Sunday, February 8, 2009

We'll be in the Hudson....

Its been a month, but I still cant get Sully out of my head....

You know who I am talking about - the Pilot who landed his plane in the Hudson and DIDNT LOSE ONE SINGLE PERSON...

I heard he hit water because it would have probably killed him and his co-pilot, but everyone else would have been OK, but he landed it perfectly. Those tapes - if you werent really listening, would have just sounded like every day chatter...He was so calm...

If it were me - It would have probably included some screaming along with something along the lines of "F-in birds...." right before the whole thing burst into flames - thus the reason I am not a pilot ;)

Anyway - what I have been mulling over is that even though Sully put it down as perfectly as humanly possible, it was those FERRY BOATS, those 1st responders, who made such a HUGE difference.

The boats got to that plane as fast as possible. There wasnt any standing around, there wasnt any calling in to see who was going to go, there wasnt any time wasted. If they had a boat and they saw the plane go down, they headed right for it. Those boats should also be given credit for not losing a single person. WHY WERE THEY SO GOOD?

I contend they were so good because of 9/11. People in New York can handle a crisis. They have learned to go towards those that need help instead of standing around and watching or running the other direction. They had their trial by fire and they have been refined.

The same thing in Israel. Its citizens are the first line of defense. There arent backpacks or cases or packages left unattended in Israel without someone spotting it IMMEDIATELY - within seconds. They know that unattended packages explode. They immediately start yelling "UNATTENDED PACKAGE (or whatever)" and people quickly move away....They know what they are doing....

I think they know what they are doing because their Government doesnt sugar coat things....It doesnt treat its Citizens as idiots who need to be taken care of....

I contend that if our Government told us the truth - how precarious our situation is (or isnt) it would have a profound affect of us Citizens. It would make the average American a Patriot - it would give us the power to take responsibility for our safety and welfare.

Unfortunately for us, the Government doesnt see us as capable, but rather incapable....It is up to us to wake up those around us - it is up to us to ensure our own safety. That is one reason I read the Homeland Security website. I get the updates daily and you start to see things pretty clear. We are in dangerous times.

I fear we will not even begin to rival Israel in regards to taking responsibility for our safety until we have been through the fire a few more times. More than NYC and 9/11 we will have to be attacked a few more times before we condition OURSELVES to take care of ourselves.

The Government better fear when we do start to take care of ourselves - when we Citizens start to become the first line of defense because once we are there - then we will go on the offense and the first thing we will do is get rid of those that are either patronizing or those that treat us with such contempt and disrespect. Be afraid Washington, be very afraid.


Sam said...

Exactly. Now if Washington would only read only read "My Modern Country Home".

Sam Adams said...

Excellent thoughts! Israel has been in a state of siege for most of its existence. While American Sheeple pride themselves with creating “gun free school zones” Israeli parents and grandparents take turns providing ARMED security at the schools their children attend! Signs do not matter to head cases and terrorists and I cannot remember a single shooting in an Israeli school. Israel doesn’t need a color code because Israelis are ALWAYS on the alert. USA, Inc. wants to keep its sheeple as dumbed down and happy as possible because a population of patriots would indeed be a threat to TPTB.

Mayberry said...

Experience and practice truly does make perfect. I was great at handling "emergencies" at the power plant because of my Navy damage control training. I don't panic in uncomfortable/emergency situations because of this. I may "freak out" on my blog from time to time, but when it's real, I react calmly. And yup, is scared to death of folks like us. Too hard to control.....

I laugh, because when we lost a generator at the plant, most control room operators freaked out. My crew were always surprised to find out it happened because I took care of business, calm, cool, and collected. And this from a 28 year old at the time.....

I drive my tractor in pearls... said...

Sam - From your keyboard to God's ear ;)

Samuel - We could learn alot from Israel - how to run an airport, how to protect its citizens, how to fight terrorism...

Mayberry - You ran a power never cease to amaze me!

Mayberry said...

Navy engineer, diesel/pump/compressor mechanic, truck driver, petroleum inspector, power plant operator, boat rigger/mechanic/builder, oil spill technician, and now glorified fish farmer/boat captain/jack of all trades. I's a man of many talents! Did I mention my hobbies? Engine/transmission rebuilder, mechanic, fabricator, fisherman, boat designer, sailor, celestial navigator, carpenter, artist, gunsmith, marksman......... Gimme a book and a couple hours and I can do it!

Ace said...


I found you through Mayberry's blog and have enjoyed your comments on there. Hattip from a fellow Lady Prepper :)

I think you have some great points here.

Many Blessings :)

FarmerGeek said...


Although in some ways, you can't fault the government because there are so many people out there that want the government to sugar coat it and to baby them. Unfortunately, that lot tends to whine louder than everyone else. True Change has to come from inside the people and the population.

Great post.

It's me said...

Briefly: I read he was able to make that landing because he's a certified glider pilot. Whatever the reason, AMAZING.

As far as the government - Bread and circuses, my dear.


Brad K. said...

Two comments.

First, Sully had done something many other commercial pilots had not done - gamed out handling and surviving tragic landings. Not just simulating and practicing his skills and pre-determined scenarios, but actively engaged in organizing and stratigizing the worst that could happen - he organized such efforts.

His even voice on the tapes was a tool he used, as much as he used the aircraft controls. Keep the tone of communications focused on procedures, and you permit others to accept the needed tasks, and to stay focused on this step, then the next, and the step after that.

About the Israeli's - do you really think their government permits them latitude, depends on them acting as the first line of defense - or is it the other way around? That is, the wariness, and competence of the Israeli people keeps them focused on surviving and thriving in a hostile world environment. They don't tolerate a government that doesn't serve their needs.

They also enjoy universal service - everyone, man and woman, spends two years in the military. When not on duty - their rifles are slung on their back. Just imagine what two years of military service would do to Ivy College wannabe types. Imagine if two years of active duty service were required to run for Congress. Or ten years service to serve on House or Senate committees that deal with military issues.

I was taught, many years ago, that compulsory education - to grade eight or age 16, whichever came first - was intended to create and maintain an informed electorate. Not to educate children, but to assure every voter would understand most of the concepts of government, be able to read and hear and understand political and legal documents and speeches. I believe this is true, from what I have read and understand.

Today, though, Liberals have hijacked that goal, derailing the focus on citizenship - reading, writing, arithmentic, civics, history - and inserting "support the liberal agenda and buy Democratic party votes" programs. Convincing the nation that public education is supposed to "educate" students - that is, relative to the tax base in the local school district - and perform affirmative action and other cultural experiments.

Anyway, asking the government to "enable" citizens seems as futile and pointless as asking an abuser to "validate" their victim. If you are going to turn anything around, it has to be the victim, the citizen standing up, and deciding "I want something different. I want respect." The enabled voter just has to pick a candidate with character, morals, and convictions that improve the situation. The rest has to follow.

I drive my tractor in pearls... said...

Ace - LOVE Prepper Chicks! Welcome!

Farmer - Thanks!

MeadowLark - He was just the perfect person to be put in that situation!

Brad K - Thanks for the post! In regards to Israel, I think its a fabulous Vicious cycle - the people expect it from their government and therefore the Government expects it from their people...

Which goes back to my belief that our populace will not get ready until we are hit several more times. And maybe not even then - I can see Nebraska wondering why it should be prepared when its NYC, DC or LA that always gets hit...

There are some people that wont ever learn or even try...

It's me said...

I always wondered why the second attack wasn't on some podunk town with 600 people in the middle of nowhere.

Then people would be REALLY scared, because it could happen ANYWHERE.

The Other Mike S. said...

Unfortunately for us, the Government doesnt see us as capable, but rather incapable....It is up to us to wake up those around us - it is up to us to ensure our own safety.

I could not agree with you more. I am in the process of doing something about that here in my little neck of the woods.

I recently became an NRA Certified Instructor, and have received two DHS/FEMA certifications, with more to come.

I hope to be able to make a living while also teaching people how to become less dependent upon Nanny and more self-reliant.

I will use every available opportunity to impress upon participants (small-L) libertarian ideals of self-sufficiency.

Gotta start somewhere to get us back on track as a nation...

Anonymous said...

Great Post. You've echoed some things I have been thinking of myself lately. My hubs and I often talk about all the things that are WRONG with the situation in our country right now. Inevitably, if we talk long enough, it always ends up boiling down to two things...1--The average joe or jane is incredibly stupid. And 2--the folks in charge like it that way. People have to learn to take responsibility for themselves, and the people in their immediate area before anything truly GOOD can start to happen.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I just read Meadowlark's comment about a second attack and I had to comment because I always thought the EXACT same thing. I was a senior in high school when 9/11 went down, and I remember discussing the attacks in a government class. The conversation went along the lines of "those terrorists sure knew how to get to the heart of the American people."

I in no way want to downplay the atrocity of that day, but I commented that if I wanted to really hit the American people where it hurt, I would have aimed that plane at a school in some small town in the midwest.

Everyone thought I was a terrible (and ignorant) person. I wasn't *advocating* it, it just seems to me that "knowing the Americans" isn't exactly high on those guy's priority list.