Saturday, February 14, 2009

If I tell you I would have to shoot you....

To tell or not to tell someone to Prep? That is the question....

I tell - obviously - but I know quite a few that dont. I can understand wanting to keep a lot of what you accumulate secret - but you cant get those around you to prep by not admitting that you do it too. I mean, really, how stupid does it sound to say "You should prep" - "Do you?" - "No, but you should.".....

I am safer if those that would naturally come to me in a crisis prep also - it alleviates some of the pressure on me.

However - if the response is a "I'll just come to you if anything happens" then you need to be ready to answer...

My pat answer is "You may not be able to get to me so you better look out for your own family. Besides, I dont want to have to shoot you." I smile and chuckle when I say the last part. But it makes the impression I intend which is that I fully intend to protect and provide for MY family, PERIOD.

This is not to say that I tell EVERYTHING....a girl has to have an air of mystery about her to keep the interest there, but I tell them enough to get them started and where to go for information.

TOR is attempting this very thing which is what prompted this little blurb....Here and Here....

** This has been a Public Service Announcement from Preppers Anonymous.... We now return you to your regularly scheduled programing....


Sam Adams said...

I have a small circle of friends. Most know or suspect that I prep. I know that most of them also prep even if a few of them have not actually said so. If someone tells me he or she just purchased a weapon, or X-hundreds or thousands of rounds of ammo, or extra mags for a weapon, or that they made a large purchase of supplies, or asks my opinion or advice...I can figure it out.

I also have associates. They haven't a clue that I prep and it will remain that way! OPSEC. I am not the missionary of prepping. Those who don't "get it" after the LA riots, 9-11, ice storms, widespread power failures and millions of jobs lost due to a global economic meltdown never will.

Cygnus MacLlyr said...

I been told lately i tell too much. But I know those that read it are least likely to pilfer, because they are preppers, too.

I use my hunkering down in Beaumont thru Ike to get my family to do at least a modicum of prepping-- candles, food...

Nothing like a good personal survival story to subtly but priorily drive a point home...

Anonymous said...

My brothers are further along in preparedness than I am, and I've been working at it since 1999 full tilt.

Most of the folks I discuss the issue with are similar minded individuals on the internet. I don't talk about it locally.

I have an agreement with a young couple that in the event of real problems, they'll move up here on top of the mountain with us. They bring a lot of skills to the table in return.

I don't have a lot of sympathy for folks who make no preparations or take no precautions. They chose to put their excess capital into making more electronic money or paper money. That's their choice. If nothing ever happens, they will retire with much more disposable income than I will. If something does happen, they made their bed....

Ryan said...

It is definitely a very personal choice. Folks from back home all know I am pretty into guns and such (real small town) but when it comes to preparedness I don't talk about it. If that stuff comes up in conversation I tend to make pretty basic comments. Things like "it is good to keep some extra food around".

I could count the friends who know anything about my preps on one hand and two of them are my co authors. Also that I live quite far from home is a factor. It isn't like I could have a bunch of hungry (and desperate)friends showing up at my door.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that the same people that point and laugh are the same ones that show up empty-handed on your doorstep and expect you to take care of them when TSHTF