Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Self-fulfilling Prophesy.....

How many times have we heard - If you say it enough, it eventually becomes the truth.....

Its why the Saturday Night Live skit with Stuart Smalley was a hit -"The Daily Affirmation Show with Stuart Smalley" - well, maybe that was a bad example because I hate to break it to you Al, people dont like you....

But you know what I mean.....

I am concerned....

**I have heard the word "Revolution" from the Soap Box of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh (both of which have a HUGE - H.U.G.E. - audience)

** I have heard Jim DeMint call for protests

** I have heard the cheers that back up Rick Santelli

** I have read the article by the Guardian about a summer of Riots forcasted in England...

** I have heard commentary about the protests WORLD WIDE and then offhand comments that they are just ahead of us in regards to the recession and "downturn"

My question is this - Does the open discussion put us on a path for Revolution to be the only option? Do we create the future by talking about it in the present?


Anonymous said...

Pearls! I just read about Oklahoma's sovereignty bill! Thoughts????

FarmerGeek said...

Hmmm, I would have to say that "revolution" needs to be talked about, but I don't think that talking about it is making it any more the only path. It is just one of the most readily accessible to the American people. We could petition the government for redress of grievances, but do you really think that they will answer? I don't.
yes, "revolution" is a major issue, and it is a very touchy issue, but it does not necessarily mean a governmental overthrow or anything like that. It could be that enough people protest the current situation and actions to make them change. That is a form of revolution.

Something needs to change, and if by discussing and lifting our voices in protest we can start the changes needed, then that is a "revolution" that I can get behind.

It's me said...

Perhaps the government will listen if they think there might be a revolution.

But somehow, I doubt it.

The Other Mike S. said...

No, I don't think simply talking about revolution makes it so, or more likely to occur.

I think it is one of the great things about a free press (which now includes us blogger publishers). We can discuss the issues, so that violence does not have to be our only resort. It can be our last resort if DC doesn't listen in.

It's a way for us to blow off steam, and send up a smoke signal to the Powers That Be that we're not happy, and they had better get back on track.

Why do you think they want to take away our guns? You can't effectively fight back without them.

If they do pass something about gun confiscations, I predict a huge wave of home break-ins reported where the only thing taken just happened to be their their guns and ammo... ;-)

Mayberry said...

Revolution comes in many forms... I forsee some civil unrest, tax revolts, refusal to obey unjust laws... Maybe the fedgov will take heed, maybe not. If not, then the guns come out.....

Brad K. said...

"If you say something loud enough and often enough.."

Not always. The Cold War comes to mind, the threat of nuclear exchange back in the 1950s and '60s. The war on poverty (LBJ), the war on drugs, etc. Heck, just think of how we are talking about the economic stimulus, and Wall Street (and pension funds) are still bleeding out.

I doubt that we face much of a revolution, in the military sense. With world wide protest, hunger riots, and general agitation in the offing, though, I think we do need to worry about military adventurism - unprovoked attack by those promising their people "win this battle/beat this rich country, and we will all be well fed and rich and happy!" That, I fear, is much more likely to occur than the overthrow of legitimate authority from within. There just isn't any money to be made in a revolution for that kind of reason. And wars only occur when people with sufficient authority expect to make money.

We can take care to keep our local economy strong, maintain a secure way of life, and participate in the national and global economy. Maybe increase membership and activity of National Guard and other authorized militias. Maybe an adjunct Sheriff's Posse? Rely on a capable and trusted communication system.

Maybe train in alternative weapons - broomstick (quarterstaff), leather or rubber sling shots, etc. Maintain a goodly supply of firearm ammunition and practice regularly.