Monday, February 23, 2009

If you dont think "We" arent taken seriously...

As yall know if read this at all....I get the RSS feed of the Homeland Security Site. Well today one of the feeds is this:

Glenn Beck

I dont read anything on these blogs that I do not also hear in some form from Glenn Beck. I view this as our position is taken SERIOUSLY....

There is a wave across this Country where people are starting to get it - GET IT. A CNBC Correspondent is getting it - those on the trading floor with him (and I bet most voted for BHO) are getting it. The Washington Post is getting it.... Texas Representative Jim Demint gets it (he wants us to start demonstrating)....

I felt it today at Walmart - yes, even WALMART.... The can section had been decimated - but in particular the Store brand - national labels were left untouched for the most part. People are feeling that something wicked this way comes and they are stocking up. They are watching their pennies, they are buying staples and pantry items. And buying ammo was a chore - to find something they had left....

People today at the store were slow and Deliberate - not Zombies - they were reading labels, checking prices and very particular about what they put in their cart. Even down to how items were put in their cart. I have been guilty of just tossing stuff in with a indiscriminate attitude. Not today. People PLACED items in there - almost like they would break. It bordered on reverence - a relation to food and what it means that has long been ignored. It was easy to watch as the aisles were not crowded - the store had hushed feel and almost empty feeling....

Our preparing, our talking, our blogging, do not feel that it is in vain. There are difficult times coming - VERY DIFFICULT, but this Country is amazing. Did you know that during the last economic dip, giving actually went up? You remember how much was given overnight to the people destroyed by the Tsunami several years ago? We are AMERICA - We are WE THE PEOPLE and we hold ourselves up as well as lifting those up around us.

We will feed ourselves, we will feed our neighbors, we will eventually feed the world.

We will throw off this Government - BOTH PARTIES - and take back our Country - we will elevate the State - as in the United States - and control our destinies through our local Government. We will read our Founding Fathers not as assigned History, but as recreation, for knowledge, for leadership - we will read them in our Homes - we will spread Freedom through our Schools.

We will look back on this as the worst and the best of America. There will be stories told and retold of sacrifice, of value, of exceptional Americans. Our Nation as we currently know it may be laid bare, but that does mean that America is laid bare. I personally do not believe that the Country I currently live in is America - it is in name only....It certainly has nothing in common with the Constitution under which I am a Citizen - a Patriot.

Do not fear - Do not quit preparing - Do not think that pain and strife will be for nothing - it is a refining - the fire - that makes Gold valuable and Iron strong on the other side. What an America we will be after this walk....

God Bless America and God Bless We The People.


Anonymous said...

Are you saying that you believe is a Department of Homeland Security site? It's not, it's just a private news organization that highlights National Security topics.

Sam said...

Perls, you are a delightful read every day.

Today you are inspiring!!

Thank you so much. I among millions, needed this today.

I drive my tractor in pearls... said...

Anon - I shouldnt have used the word "The" and should have included the entire title of the RSS feed... its not The Govt. site...

Sam - I did too - I had this overwhelming feeling of dread this morning - but had a turn around after lunch...It was a lecture to myself more than anyone else :) I am glad you found it helpful!

Mayberry said...

Let's hope yer right!

CastoCreations said...

I need to start stock piling Dr Pepper and Dog food. :) Our dog food is more expensive than our own food.

I am truly trying not to panic. I am trying to be calm and just prepare for any sort of emergency. Including volcano erupting, earthquake, tsunami, etc.