Saturday, January 31, 2009

Quote of the Day

I LOVE my Thomas Jefferson quotes, but this current quote made me laugh out loud...

"I figured out when I was a little kid that it was better to be a pessimist than an optimist. You see, when you’re an optimist, the best that happens is that things go as you planned, and half the time you’re bitterly disappointed. But when you’re a pessimist, the worst that ever happens is that things to exactly the way you were prepared for them to go, and half the time you’re pleasantly surprised." - Massad Ayoob , January 1, 2009

As found on THE Survival Blog


Mayberry said...

Ha ha! I love it!

Anonymous said...

Ayoob is one heck of a gun writer. I see he has a sense of humor, as well.

Rob K said...

I think that's a Ben Franklin quote, isn't it?