Saturday, January 31, 2009


I have it from a really reliable source, that KJ doesnt read this blog because she says I scare her. I had to quiz my source and find out if it was because she thought I was nuts or because the "whole situation" scared her. It was the later, although it wouldnt have surprised me if it was the former....and Yes, KJ, KP gave you up....

Anyway - there is nothing to be afraid of. You dont have to go down to the gun store and load dont have to figure out how your family will eat 500# of dont have cook over an open flame.....This is all you have to do.....

When you go to the grocery store, or you send DJ, have him get an extra of whatever is on your list that wont spoil....Thats it......Easy......

This is for all of you out there who feel overwhelmed by the lists. I totally get that some of us LIVE FOR LISTS (that could have been one of my 25 below) and some of us dont. But you can start your food storage WITH NO LISTS. I know some preppers out there just fell off their stools with that comment....

But seriously, NO LIST. Just buy duplicates of what you buy now. There is no weird food to get your family used to and there are no lists. There will come THE AMAZING SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT AND RELEASE OF FEAR as you see your pantry grow.

You will realize the wisdom of preparing a little for "what if's". Your fear will begin to give over to a PEACE when you see your food items compound. YES, COMPOUND - better than a bank account in this coming economy. There may come a point where the dollar WILL NOT buy what you need. It is MAJORLY MORE LIKELY that your dollar WILL NOT BUY AS MUCH as it will right now. That means that FOOD IS BETTER THAN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT for a time being.

Im sorry - I think I could have crossed over and scared you a little bit.....I dont want that. I want you safe. I want you in your home with food to feed your family. I want you with that feeling of satisfaction that you were AHEAD of the curve, that you took action and the feeling of accomplishment that you took care of business.

The lists will come....When your fear is gone and its not paralyzing you, your lists will come.....dont worry about it right now - just go add a few more items to your grocery list and make sure THAT ITS WHAT YOUR FAMILY IS EATING RIGHT NOW....dont buy food that you wont eat and you wont have wasted anything....

Go.....I know you will probably be in a grocery store some time today.....


Anonymous said...

That seems odd to me. What's to be afraid of? I haven't been reading your blog long, but it seems like a pretty level headed plan you have going. There's nothing extreme about it in any way.

Now if they want to get scared, they should check out The Other Ryan, or The Other Mike or Guyk, or even the benign but sometimes unnerving Hermit! ;-)

Anonymous said...

This is how I started.It can be overwhelming in the begining, 1 years worth of food and water is a lot to get your head around.
Once I had about 3 months worth I felt more relaxed and focused.Today I have around 2 years worth, rice, beans, wheat, canned meats and fruit. Sugar honey and salt etc. Got a grinder for the wheat and a berky for water.
All journeys begin with a small step.


kj said...

This is like an alter call only in Blog Land.....

I am fearful of the unknown. Living how we live now is all I know, so the fear of not being able to live like that scares me. (Naive...I know!) I know I should be prepared for things, and keep my home prepared, but it is overwhelming.

I admire all of your hard work and you have inspired me to have more and stock up on items and be more prepared myself! Really you thank you!

And you have to cut me a little slack....I blog about little girls, hair bows, poop, throw up, and other glamorous topics like your blog is a little over my head sometimes! ; )

Ryan said...

That is a good idea. I will keep that idea in my head.