Wednesday, December 31, 2008

No Resolutions.....Is stating "No Resolutions" a Resolution?

I dont do resolutions - mostly I just rock along and do or dont do something depending on how I feel. Its not that I lack willpower or strong character - I am just a "half full" kind of gal and like the way I am....

I did give up all carbonated drinks last February and it made me feel great - still does. No upset stomach in the evenings, more money in the wallet when I come home from the grocery store, less of a tab when I eat out and less of a fluctuation in regards to weight during the month (you know what I am talking about girls....) And no, I havent slipped even once - which is real hard as I was raised in Texas and Dr. Pepper is put in our baby bottles....

Anyway, the carbonation thing has me thinking about what I would like to accomplish this year....

Nothing to terribly hard...

* I will eat my own tomatoes and beans (starting with something easy)

* I will can something

* I will eat my own eggs

* I will get my conceal to carry permit by March 1

* I will buy some gold

* I will be like Job and bear up well

* I will choose to be happy and keep the spirits up of those around me

* I will take a class - culinary or gardening or something....

* I will not get on a scale - jeans tell you all you need to know....

* I will not buy one single loaf of least I will try, really really hard not to....

* I will Pray - Praise and continue to Prepare

I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year. I pray that you remain safe, fed, sheltered and with those that love you and that you love.

God bless....


It's me said...

I like your list of "perhaps I shall's".

I need to pray more, get a wheel gun & CC permit (would you believe I don't have either) and bake more bread. That's all I can handle right now... even that might seem overwhelming if it were a RESOLUTION, but as a PERHAPS-I-SHALL, not so bad.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Those are all great things to accomplish Pearls. I wish you the best on following through and I may even steal some of them :)

Just a side note, it seems the last one you mentioned will help you accomplish the rest. Prayer is something we all need but in my experience seems to be something we all forget about until we have done everything we can first. Anyone know why that is? It does seem easier to pray first and avoid some of the mistakes that just dig our holes deeper or keep us separated from our dreams.

Ryan said...

Great Goals, I need to get an AL concealed carry permit. You mentioned gold which is great but do you have any silver?

Silver is cheaper and far less compact for its value. Instead of a tenth of an ounce of gold you could have 7 ounces of silver. Instead of an ounce of gold you could have almost 80 ounces of silver. If bartering is something that enters into your precious metals plans (fears) then silver is essential. Imagine trying to barter for a few cans of food. Even a 1/10th or 1/20th ounce gold coin would be far to large but a few 90% silver quarters or an ounce of silver would be far closer.

As the money changer said
Buy silver first then gold
Buy small gold first, then large.

Before you spend a dollar on precious metals I suggest reading this It might not help yo out but then again it might help a lot. Definitely worth the minute it takes to read though.

Anonymous said...

A lot of great things there. If you're not growing your own already, consider joining a co-op. You can find your local at

I've done some of the same this past year (just put in for my CC). Keep pushing down the road!

Cygnus MacLlyr said...

Just try some of the bread recipes from Hermit Jim's site, esp. the simple no-knead ones. Easier than a trip to the grocery store-- and homemade to boot!
Best of fruition in the year's endeavours.


Home on the Range said...

God Bless you and your family as well.

I so wish I had the time to bake all my bread, but if I did, I would eat way too much of it.

Hope the New Year brings only good things.

Anonymous said...

If you're gonna get your CCW by 1 March, you better hurry. OSBI can take up to ninety (90) days *by law* to get your permit to you.

On the flip side, there are documented cases of it taking longer.