Monday, December 8, 2008

Maybe all the Patriots have to say is "SHOVE IT!"

Tin foil hat firmly affixed - CHECK

Been turning something over and over in my head which is always a sure sign that either what comes out will be brilliant (blessed Divine inspiration) or absolutely insane....I fear this time its the later, but here I go anyway....

Let me preface this by saying that I was a US History major in college with an emphasis on the times from the beginning of our Country to the Civil War.

Ok - here it is....The Civil War was NOT about slavery. The Civil War was about State's rights. If the Union could have waited just a bit, Eli Whitney's cotton gin would have peacefully ended slavery without the War. Slavery was going down, and RIGHTLY SO, but hindsight is 20/20. Lincoln also would have kept slavery if he could have figured out how to do so AND preserve the Union. It wasnt going to be possible. Slavery had to go and again, RIGHTLY SO....

But what happened was that the Federal Govt OUTRANKED the States after the Civil War. This IS NOT HOW THIS COUNTRY WAS FORMED - the Federal Govt was created just for protection,treaties, international Commerce (read your Constitution, its in there)... and everything else was supposed to come from the States and to be decided by the States. Your state is supposed to be MORE IMPORTANT than the Feds....that is what our Founders wanted, what they designed, what they warned to be vigilant about....

The South fought on the side of the ANGELS - yes, you read that right, BUT they fought with the DEVIL'S REASON....

Before I go on - let me say it again, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN SLAVERY. I DO NOT CONDONE SLAVERY. I DO NOT WANT SLAVERY OR ANYTHING OF THE LIKE....Slavery was an evil practice with an absolutely no defensible position.

So here we are so many decades later....whats coming? Well, we can all pretty much agree it isnt pleasant. Job loss, inflation, Recession - DEPRESSION, hunger......but what about loss of control over our lives, taxation, loss of Rights like the 2nd Amendment, loss of property rights, loss of privacy rights....What about Martial Law? What about Succession?

We have 20,000 troops being deployed WITHIN the US....Katrina should have taught us that "they" will GO HOUSE TO HOUSE AND CONFISCATE FIREARMS....How much will Citizens, Patriots take?

What to do? When pressures reach a boiling point what happens? We have the most control over those that govern us locally. They are our neighbors, our "brethren". They will be feeling the same pressures....We will be able to act locally to affect change Nationally...

There are states that are in a better position in regards to resources, economy, these states have the RIGHT to tell the Feds - TAKE A HIKE?

Did the Civil War settle the issue of State's rights OR was it only about Slavery?

Public Schools have taught from a position that it was about Slavery - they did a HUGE disservice - and if that is what you believe, then you need to do some study and realize it was about so much more. BUT, if the majority of people believe that the Civil War was ONLY about Slavery, does that mean that the SECESSION QUESTION is still open for debate? Open for discussion?

If so, how long before a State that is feeling drained dry by the Feds, a state with an abundance of natural resources, a State only mildly affected by the economic downturn, a State who loves their Guns and their Constitution, decides to take on the question of Succession by calling their Senators home, by telling DC to shove it? ( I am sure there is a more diplomatic term they would use, but its my story in my head, and I like "shove it".)

There are Secessionist groups all over this country - some VERY liberal and some VERY conservative - both want Succession for polar opposite reasons - these groups are starting to talk...

Rumblings of these groups as well as their membership is growing. Secessionists arent the nuts you would think they are - heck,the nuts I thought they were. They are people who have read their Constitution, realized that the Govt is acting WAY out of bounds and they are feeling squeezed.

I am also willing to bet they are Southerners, Midwesterners, Westerners (ignoring the coast), Southwesterners and a few in the North. People from Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, Montana, South Dakota, Idaho (just about everyone from Idaho), Kansas, Iowa, Ohio (rural)....You name it. we are everywhere - places where the opening day of Deer Season is a holiday....

Look, right about now I can see an utter look of horror on my mother's face as she realizes I wrote this and its out there for all to see....I know how I sound. I am not advocating Seceding. I also dont think if it happens that it will be bloody like the last go round, I really dont. I see it as a wakeup call to other states and the rest of this Country that we will not continue on this present path. I think it could be a kick in the pants that DC needs to realize that THEY arent in charge, WE are, THE PEOPLE are.... I also dont see it right around the corner....I am throwing out a guess that the rumblings wouldnt get loud until maybe 2010 or 2011 when we realize that this crisis is deep and our Govt has sold us out really hits home.

Maybe this time, the blood of patriots wont have to be spilled to refresh the tree of Liberty (Thomas Jefferson reference....) Maybe all the Patriots have to say is SHOVE IT....

Pray, Praise, Prepare


Anonymous said...

Matt pointed me toward your blog. . .glad to see another radical right wing christian conservative voice on the Net.

Couple comments. First, Oklahoma recently passed a resolution (Res 1089, July 2008) declaring our sovereignty. Along the same lines, Montana declared it intentions to succeed from the Union if the D.C v. Heller case went the wrong way in the SCOTUS. Thank you Jesus that there are a few states left with some backbone.

Second, and this actually *worked* for quite awhile, America wouldn't be what she is today if not for the Feds outranking the States. We tried a Federation, and that didn't work so well. *However*, the pendulum has swung so far to the Feds, and by extension the bureaucracy, that it's unlikely that the balance that actually *worked* will ever return. The demographics of the voting public are simply too far to the left.

More comments to follow, I'm sure. . .as I read more of your stuff.

I drive my tractor in pearls... said...

Husted -

Welcome :) I am afraid I have crossed over into "radical"....sigh...

Tell Matt thanks and spread the word!

As far as the voting public - they will go radical one of 2 ways when stressed - may then go Conservative...

Thanks again - Pearls

Shy Wolf said...

MMMMMMMMMM, LOVE radical people: they actually get things done.
Secession...there may be more of that being called for than any of us imagine- especially if Russia's estimation of what'll be coming down the American Pike evolves. Five separate 'countrys' within the US borders? Well, we can let Kalifagia fall into the ocean, but the other four would definitely be Secessionist.

Sam said...

Well Pearls, you went and did it now. A wild and crazy Christian lady lambasting folks with intelligent common sense. What has the world come to?

The answer, my friend, is it's senses.

Excellent post!

Anonymous said...

andrew jackson thought he had settled the secession question. south carolina had agreed under the articles of confederation that the union would be indesoluable. the northern model, of one nation proved itself against a confederacy, as a model for the defense of the country. the war was certainly about states rights, but there is no states right to advance evil. finally, whatever the justice of the southern cause, it was lost when they recieved aid and comfort from a true enemy of america: the evil empire, great britain. make no mistake, britain is the enemy. (see the will of cecil rhodes, as an example) britain is like the devil. he steps back from time to time, but only to await his next opportunity.

Anonymous said...



I drive my tractor in pearls... said...

Shy - I hear main stream people more and more making an offhanded comment along these 2011 prediction might have been too far off.

Sam - sorry about the common sense, sometimes it just slips out ;)

Irish - you are so right - right war, wrong reason...

Anon you should write bumperstickers :)

Anonymous said...

of course the south actually, finally won. they waited out reconstruction, 'till the yankees lost interest and went home. woodrow wilson was from georgia, not new jersey. britain has been our buddy ever since, happy to let yankees (and southerners) fight their battles for them. the democrat party (party of the south, party of the slave owners) has been in control of congress, more or less since 1913.

Ominous Cowherd said...

If 34 states want to leave the union, then it isn't secession, it's a constitutional convention. Thirty four states can leave, and take the union with them. It's in the constitution.

tanksoldier said...

One quibble, OK two:

1. During Katrina the only Soldiers to confiscate firearms were National Guard on State Active Duty... in other words, the Louisiana State Militia. Federal troops did not participate.

2. Far more than 20,000 troops are "deployed" within the US. The vast majority of the US military is stationed in-CONUS. Just because certain units have been given the "if-when" order doesn't really mean anything. Every US military unit has various contingency orders for every imaginable circumstance. Deploy to reinforce Korea. Deploy to reinforce Germany. Deploy FROM Germany to support some civil disaster or ward off invasion at home. If no units had as part of their mission the designation to provide civil support somebody would be tapped anyway out of the dozens of brigades available... like the Federal forces send to help during Katrina.

GunGeek said...

I wonder about California. Being born and raised about 25 miles from San Francisco, I know there are a lot of people there that would welcome a return to the Founders' beliefs. Not a majority, not by any stretch, but a lot.

However, they are about the most self-centered and proud of their state folks around. If someone could make the case to the public that CA was too good to stay in the old USofA, that their resources had been sucked off for the benefit of the other states, and especially if they saw the possibility that their sources of water might end up in another country, there might just be enough people willing to go along.

Now, would they be the right kind of people or would we find ourselves with a bunch of liberals trying to push their agenda? Hard to say.

I drive my tractor in pearls... said...

Tank -

My point in regards to the confiscation of firearms is that in times of "emergency" "they" will seize your guns - whether they be your local LEO, National Guard, or these newly deployed troops. And its "they" who will determine what constitutes an emergency.

In regards to the 20,000 troups there are more in the US, but these are different. We know they are - there is an article out today that hypothesizes that this FIRST 20,000 is just to get people used to seeing the military in the street - that should scare even someone with their head in the sand to death.

Quibble all you want - we are on the same side of liberty :)

Stay warm - Pearls

Hey...You! Yes, you with the face, I'm talking to you!! said...

Wow...interesting reading this in 2010, almost 2011. Better late then never though, and I would say your 2011 guess is about dead on! We can all agree that D.C. has lost their minds. That is the only thing I can think of. With inflation and monitizing the debt ( same thing that happened in the south) ~ Pretty soon if you stocked up on coffee and ciggeretts (* gasp) you will be able to barter for anything you want! Course that wheel barrel of cash wont do you any good...

Telling the Feds to take their programs and shove it is probably one of the best dang ideas I have heard...

@70% of Utahs natural resources are on government land. National forests, parks... :( sad.