Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to save Social Security....

I think President BO may have figured out how to save Social Security....

This Universal Health Care denying benefits to Senior Citizens because its not in the financial best interest of the program....

He can just tell them that its their Patriotic Duty to die....


Anonymous said...

Solyent Green.

Bitmap said...

LOL Hermit. That was good.

It's a fact that rationing is part of socialized medicine.

Sort of like the Jack London stories about the tribes in the far north: When you were too old to contribute or keep up you were left to die.

Brad K. said...

Wait until Oh! Bummer! starts letting veterans wounded in the line of duty, also firemen, police, Secret Service, and border patrols that they, too, consume more resources that Barack Hussein Obama wants to allot.

I swear this reads like a detailed plan to divide and diminish the people of the United States.

Anonymous said...

I look back at the time Bush II mentioned privatising SS funds by 10% and the world thought they'd go out of their minds . . .

I'd far rather go that route than to continue 100% government route. If I lose that 10%, rather it be by my hand than some government worker who doesn't really care what happens, as long as he / she gets paid, all is right with the world.

Sam said...

Obama is blatant as can be. I suppose one day he will just decide that everyone over 70 is not being productive enough, and suggest they cannot buy food anymore. Solves Social Security and Medicare at the same time.

Mayberry said...

Die old farts! Ha ha! Yeah Bitmap, Hermit nailed it, that was good.... "Renew, renew, renew, renew"...........

Ryan said...

Replied to your comment on the whole OK property owner/ trespasser thing. It got long enough to become a post at my place. Interested in your thoughts.