Monday, May 4, 2009


Oh my word.....

Our brilliant leader is closing tax loop holes for evil corporations. And if those banks that the U.S. Government thinks are hiding money arent forthcoming, he will act accordingly - whatev, Mr. President.

First, these banks are not under your authority - I know you think you are all that, but a lot of these banks belong to a different country - sorry.....

Next, I find it a little humorous that you are so upset about PERCEIVED tax cheats, but its no big deal for PROVEN tax cheats to be hired by your administration. How 'bout you take that big ole plank out of your own eye before you go after a tiny speck in someone else's eye - what? Rev. Jeremiah Wright didnt teach you that in Sunday School? What kind of church was that? Oh yeah, forgot....

Third, except for loyalty and a big ole pain in the behind, I wonder what keeps a company from relocating overseas..... Well, after this, even less will keep them here - Good job Mr. Pres on creating new jobs IN OTHER COUNTRIES..... Oh wait - he is creating jobs here - 800 NEW IRS AGENTS.... I wonder how long before people really start to get biblical on Tax Collectors....

And lastly, dont lecture me on Citizenship - dont even try to equate paying taxes as patriotic. The Patriots of this country pay taxes UNDER THREAT - not out of patriotism or civic duty. The Government commits THEFT BY COERCION every time someone sends in a tax payment. You steal it out of our check and then give us back what you deem right. Its disgusting.

What these Patriots do is continue to give to charity at a larger rate than this Government and its officials. We are generous with what is left - we take care of ourselves and those around us.

So give it your best shot Mr. All That - we see what is going on - we see your ship burning with your printing presses going, with China refusing to buy Tbills, with your spending more than ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS COMBINED - we are going to go get our hotdogs out of longterm storage to cook by the fire because we arent going to help you put this fire out - instead, we are going to watch you go down in smoke and then we will stomp out the ashes and will put the Constitution (and not science) back in its rightful place. We will be THESE UNITED STATES and theres nothing you can do about it - you have done too much to stop already.....


Candace said...

Love it, love it, love it!

Anonymous said...

You rock, Pearls! Great rant!

Asphyxiated Emancipation said...

That rant was made of win, Pearls. A lot of people are just about at their limits. I certainly wouldn't want to have a new job as a tax collector these days, sounds like a good way to get tarred and feathered.

Ellen said...

Great post! Thanks!