Monday, May 25, 2009

Thank You

To those of you who serve - to those of you who love someone who does -

Thank you!

This is one of my favorite quotes:

"It is tempting to deny the existence of evil since denying it removes the need to fight it." - Alexis Carrel

Thank you to those in the Military who never run from evil, but run towards it. You run towards evil that has bearing on our daily lives only in the abstract - you run towards evil to make an Innocent's life better. You risk your own, knowing what you risk to lose here at home - your families; your wives, your children.

Thank you does not seem enough - but with each thank you in a restaurant, with each first class seat given up on a plane, with each Veterans Day and Memorial Day and Fourth of July, when the flags fly and she is so beautiful; when the entire Nation says in one voice, "Thank You", may it begin to fulfill a debt we will never be able to pay.

Again - Thank you!

Whatev, Mr. Military....

AS A WHOLE - I absolutely adore the military.... I do think that you can pick out certain "apples" that maybe are a little "over-ripe." General Powell for instance. Great with the Military - awful in Politics - I cant believe that there was a time I wished he would run for President.... {sigh}

Now Admiral Mike Mullen says Guantanamo needs to be closed. Why? Because it could serve as a recruiting tool for militants. Whatev. This is bull - this is a guy trying to get his "Commander in Chief" what he wants. Nothing more.

Militants didnt need Guantanamo when they recruited for 9/11 did they?

The President got slammed this week BY HIS OWN PARTY when they refused to give BO any funding to close Guantanamo. I have a feeling BO isnt used to being told "no". In fact, I like it when he doesnt get his way because he gets flustered and seems on the verge of throwing a hissy fit. Poor Admiral - I wonder what he was told before they trotted him out on ABC?

Mr. President better get used to being defeated - it happened this week - It will happen in 2010 and it will happen again in 2012.

Mr. President, we are tired of your crap - we are tired of your people's crap (those that you have chosen for your administration) and we will block everything we can, every time we can. If you want to know a rallying point, try YOUR ELECTION....both sides have used it to arm up. You have shown yourself to put criminals and idiots into powerful positions - you have gone across the world making apologies for the United States - you have appeared weak, arrogant and tacky. You lack integrity, are clueless, unethical and woefully unprepared for what this country faces - You sir, are your opponents' biggest recruiter....

**** On a related note, I do realize that its Memorial Weekend as I bet the Obama Admin did also and so to criticize the Admiral would seem so wrong.... The criticism of this administration in the above blog post has absolutely NO BEARING on the military who does AN EXCEPTIONAL JOB IN SPITE OF THE CRAPPY PAY and SUPPORT they receive from this Government.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Baseball....Apple Pie.....and Ford....

I have been pretty quiet about the Big 3 (except for a distant blurb bout Crystler - like last year distant) - so I am going to give my 2 cents now.

The Union, THE GOVERNMENT, and GM have reached a deal, but no one is giving the details....yet....

It wont be long before word leaks out what it is - heck, I may not be done typing this before Yahoo has something about it or even Fox.

I know most of those out there in Blogdom agree that this has about as much hope of building a good car, keeping the Company afloat and compensating shareholders as Ryan Seacrest has of singing bass or having his "boys" drop.....sorry, just watched an AI clip - its the only thing I have ever seen of American Idol and I cant seem to get those images out of my head....ewwww..... And dont even get me started on the Government MANDATE to increase MPG which will mean a total retool of factories - not cheap....

Dont want to rehash how AWFUL an idea this is.... But what about Ford. In full disclosure, you could say that we are a Ford family. Its not on purpose, but I drive a Ford, the Hubs drives a Ford and is looking for a Ford truck to be its replacement, his EMP proof car is a Ford, his company van is a Ford, my mom drives one, my dad drives one, my brother drives one, and my sisterinlaw drives one... We drive the gas models as well as the diesels. So, yeah, you could say that we are Ford family. We didnt set out for it to be that way, but they just seemed to make what we needed and for a good price and they seemed to last.

NOVEL CONCEPT, I know..... Also amazing is that this is the ONLY car company that DOESNT NEED THE GOVERNMENT. So, let me see if I can wrap my brain around this - they build cars that people WANT....they make them to LAST.....they sell them at a good price......they hold their resale value..... What the heck is wrong with this company? Dont they know that they are supposed to sell cheap crap that is NOT what the majority of people want and then take the Government's money and let the Government run things? The only thing I can say about them that irked me is that they bowed to the tree-huggers under pressure and quit selling the Excursion - I hate that I wont be able to replace mine in about another 200,000 miles.... It makes me sick if I think about it for long ;)

If I were Ford, I would secretly be smiling to myself knowing in a few short years, they will be the ONLY US car company. Oh, GM may still exist, but its markets will be in Europe.

My Hubs and I do not buy new cars - but we might make an exception for Ford. I firmly believe that we need to put our TIME, our MONEY and our SUPPORT behind those companies who keep the Government at bay and out of their business.

I know Ford isnt perfect and I am sure that there are the stories out there where the dealer was rude, the car left you on the side of the road or ran over your dog, but honestly, we have had nothing but good experiences....

*** So, This post has been in "edit" for several days and when I went to finish it up, the details were out and included in the story.... Still publishing, but just wanted to give yall all the details ;)

Pray - Praise - Prepare

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How laziness lead to Alfred Hitchcock's worst nighmare...

Its all about laziness....

Heaven forbid that TSA do things the way the Israeli airlines do things. You have to get there 3 hours before your flight, but I will give it to them - they have some AMAZING results.... There is no short cut by just looking through your clothes. And you know what? I dont think checking out if I wear a thong keeps anyone safe. Like those that try to bring down an airliner wont adapt and figure out a way to do it without walking through security with it.....

The TSA spends $170,000 per machine - PER MACHINE and you know each airport will need WAAAY more than just one of these badboys.... And - are they going to have an all girl machine with women viewing women and men viewing men? I would not consent to this - just wouldnt and I wouldnt want my children going through this.

Almost in the same week (last week) the news came out that a Saudi Arabian man is asking the Germans for a patent for a microchip that is to be embedded under the skin AND has poison that can be remotely triggered....NO WAY that this doesnt end badly.....

I can already see it being used for prisoners - another "CHEAP / EASY" route that like those shock dog collars, you just set up a sign and tell prisoners to stay on the other side or the poison is administered - so much cheaper than caging them.... And to keep prisoners from digging out those little chips and then making a run for it - you just have constant facial recognition going all the time that matches up with the GPS chip and if they dont match, someone shoots you.... See, easy..... EASY and LAZY and more BIG BROTHER than George Orwell could have imagined - we are entering Alfred Hitchcock territory now.

And for those that say, hey, I bet it would save money for prisoners, thats a pretty good will get to you, Mr. Upstanding Citizen, soon enough. Just like DNA submission - first it was for murderers and then for the rapists and then for any felony and now if you are arrested, they will take your DNA to match against anything in the system, even if you just picked your nose in public and got a citation. Eventually the Government will figure out a way to get the majority of the population microchipped if they have to do it when you are paying parking fines. We are to the point that if you want a drivers' license, you have to give them a finger print - really? I consider that an unreasonable search and seizure considering I HAVE DONE NOTHING AT ALL.....

And dont try to end run this by telling me its to track lost children. These are my kids and I will track them the old fashioned way - with my car, thankyouverymuch. It has worked for generations stalking their children and making sure they are where they said they would be with whom they said they would be, so I will stick with the ole tried and true. Yes, it would be easier to track them while I sit at home on my computer, but it just lacks the personal touch - that touch that gives you the SICK feeling in the bottom of your stomach when you are somewhere you shouldnt be and your dad walks in.....If you are like me, that only has to happen once and you are pretty much scared straight.....sorry, got to reliving a personal nightmare ;)

Anyway - its time to quit living in EASY - easy has gotten us fat, useless (no real skills), and enslaved to a greater system under the promise of making things EASY. Well, you know what? As I try to teach my kids, EASY most often isnt satisfying - something you WORK for IS! Its the difference between homemade macaroni and cheese and the blue box powder stuff. Now, dont get me wrong - the blue box is good - but thats only because its been so long since you had THE REAL THING....

We have forgotten what FREEDOM tastes like - actually, WE HAVE NEVER KNOWN IT....I am dying to try it - in my head its sweeter than I could imagine.....

Come on people.....dont you want a little taste?

Monday, May 18, 2009

How being an Idiot leads to Nancy Pelosi getting a promotion

VP Biden used to be funny - now he is getting downright dangerous... His brain and his mouth are not connected and I dont think even the Senates AMAZING healthcare could do anything about it, I doubt the VP's option is any better....

The drunk jingle singer....the husband of a "hot wife".....The concerned father/husband who doesnt want his family in any public places during the Swine Flu the hunkered down VP....

Right now, I bet he is just an annoyance to BO - but at some point and I am betting it comes soon, he will spill something about BO that is either totally embarrassing (maybe he waxes something) or dangerous...even more so than telling where the VP bomb shelter is....

Something will come out of Biden's mouth that cant be laughed off and it will be interesting to see what "illness" he comes down with in order to retire....

Would that mean that Nancy Pelosi becomes the new VP?

Playing with the Colors....

I have a friend who twittered me that while reading my blog was giving her a headache....or something to that effect ;)

So I played with the colors - now we are voting.... If you like these colors let me know - if you dont, do so as well, but you better be nice, otherwise I will just delete your comment and your vote wont count ;)

Also, been playing hookie from the blog because I have been playing with little people. Have several things baking in my head and will be launched at least this evening so just you know, I havent totally taken a vacation.

Happy Summer for those of you getting out this week - for those of you that arent.....stinks to be you right now ;)


Friday, May 15, 2009

Take that you DANCING MONKEY....

You all remember a previous post where I discuss my disgust at our OK Governor (heretofore referred to a TB - The Boob) after his veto of our State Sovereignty Legislation....He thought it would send the wrong message to BO - yeah, it would it and that is the point....its a SHOVE IT bill!!

Anyway, the House here took up a measure, HCR 1028, which says the same thing, but passed by such a margin that it wont need TB's signature. It then went to the State Senate and it passed on May 13th!!!

Hows that for SHOVE IT legislation? BO and TB are just out of luck! Not only does it assert Oklahoma's 10 Amendment rights - it does so by BYPASSING our GOVERNOR which sends a double message to the Obama Administration. It means that We The People of Oklahoma dont have to take this and this lap dog you have in your pocket, this Governor, CANT STOP US.....

Now onto some interstate commerce legislation and this place will be hopping!!!

Pray - Praise - Prepare

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Kids' Insurance is a FAMILY PRIORITY - not my TAX BURDEN....


It states that the Government is going to require everyone to have health insurance. What if I dont want it? What if I want to pay for a doctor out of my own pocket? What if I am a billionaire and just dont want to pay premiums?

I have a few more questions - if every American HAS to have health care, does that mean that hospitals no longer have to take those that are not insured? Is there a way to ensure that illegals are not coming here and sucking our system dry, more so than they already do?

What if a doctor wants to only provide services for cash - no insurance at all for anyone?


We are a small business owner - we pay for everything ourselves - our health insurance, all our insurances....everything....and we get hit a couple times in taxes....taxes suck, in case you didnt know that :) Anyway....we have a couple employees too - not full-time, but part-time - but friends/family/loved nonetheless..... We will not be able to pay for health insurance for those employees....

This is the situation a lot of employers will find themselves. If they are going to have to pay even more, they will hire temp workers through an agency (then those workers are employees of the agency and all the taxes/insurance is the agency's problem) or they will fire them and a family member will take their place. I can see a situation where I will go to the office and pitch in.... What I spend in time is mine and we save on taxes and all the other crap - man already pays for the family's health insurance.....

Back to taxes - I am already taxed enough - If a family is making $88,000 they can buy their own health insurance and my tax dollars should NOT in ANY WAY be used to help them get it.... Sell the Wii, the crap, cook at home and sell the boat.... Your kids' health should be your PRIORITY and NOT MY TAX BURDEN.... I make sacrifices to make sure my kids have health care and ya know what? WE DONT HAVE A Wii....

This may spawn a new breed of doctor. A doctor who doesnt want the Government with their hands around their throat. A doctor who decides that they are going to be cash only and in going CASH ONLY they dont have to have all the hired workers to file all the insurance crap and hassle with the paperwork. A nurse and a receptionist and everything is good.... That doctor, I would visit in a HEART BEAT. Keep the medical insurance that would cover hospital stays and let the rest go.....

Off to cook my fam dinner....littlest has his Kindy Graduation tonight and he is going to be darn cute....will focus on that sweet little face and not that of Rat Face Pelosi.....

As always - Pray- Praise - Prepare

The, that is, and Not our Governor, for once....

I love Criminal Minds. Its a TV show on CBS. I like the science and I just absolutely adore all the characters....

So last night, there was an anthrax episode and at the end they posed the question about would the public be better off knowing all the stuff the Government has thwarted since 9/11. The character asked if we would feel safer.....

These 2 questions are diametrically opposed to each other... We would NOT feel safer, but it WOULD be better.

To know the attacks that the Country has undermined would do several things.

1 - It would make people more responsible...... for their own surroundings.....for fellow citizens. To know that you might be under attack at any time would make every citizen responsible, not only for themselves but for those around them. It would knit us together like in the aftermath of that horrible day.

Israel is the best example. That tiny country is under attack perpetually. If someone isnt blowing themselves up in a market, there is a country next door or 2 doors down threatening to wipe them off the face of the earth. These people know how to protect themselves - its taught at a young age to notice their surroundings - bags, suitcases, people wearing coats when its hot.... And when was the last time something happened on one of their planes? It might be a pain to get on board, but they know what they are doing!

2 - It would make the Government more responsible TO us. I fear that when something else happens they Government line will be something like "well, its been such and such years with no attack, look how well we did...." Yeah, maybe.... But this puts all the responsibility on the Government - there arent any backup, no mulligans, no do-overs - just this ONE FRONT.... It goes back to #1, we are all responsible. In regards to the Government, it ties them closer to us - be responsible TO us in regards to terrorism and that cant be anything but a good thing. They are SUPPOSED to be responsible TO us (not FOR us, you moochers).

3. It makes people get prepared. FEMA, Katrina, PSA can all tout having water and food and a few batteries, but we need daily reminders. We get complacent - tired - want to take a break. And that IS ALRIGHT - hear me, taking a break is good and is needed. But you cant stay there. If we knew the plots that have been thwarted, it would make prepping and storing and saving a national past-time. It would put these things in the mainstream, something talked about over the BBQ grill with neighbors.

Letting everyone know would make everyone safer which I would think would be the ultimate goal. I want to be responsible for my family - I DO NOT want the Government being their safety net.... Let me know whats going on and let me decide.... This is MY country and YOU WORK FOR ME, WASHINGTON....

Monday, May 11, 2009

Heads up....

This week my littlest graduates from Kindergarten (what a hoot) and so he parties it up....I will be away from home helping him finish this week up - he is done at 10:30 on Thursday morning and then he and I will spend the rest of the week together "like old times."

All that to say, posting will be sporadic with probably a link for a news story and my sarcastic and witty commentary ;)

We are also getting drywall tomorrow and the crew is wanting to do trim, tile, painting and some other stuff, so if their price is good and the work is well done, they may just get to do it all and therefore I will be scrambling because I havent even looked at tile to be honest - could almost careless, ALMOST....

We got insulation in the basement today and they knocked down a bird's nest that was built while we were going thru so much crap getting our basement doors in.... The nest had 4 baby birds that looked like they had just hatched when they died. My littlest took out a shovel and buried them all and then there was THAT conversation about why they died (he concluded it was no ones fault really, but if he is placing blame, then its my fault since I am building the house, by the way) and where are the baby birds now (in Heaven with my Grandmother). It was a looooong way back to town today from the country, let me tell you!

Have a good week, yall and we will chat soon!

As always - Pray - Praise and Prepare!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Exactly what kind of blog is this....

I mean - I talk house - I talk food storage - I rant against the Government - I occasionally discuss guns, my kids, and the boob in the Oklahoma Governor's Mansion so, why on God's green Earth do 2 out of the 3 ads next to this post ask if my Husband is gay?

I thought these things were supposed to correspond with what I discuss? Get it together Google because this kind of crap is embarrassing!

Thats all I got today people, I subbed for goodness sakes and turned in a resume - yeah, I am interested in a Junior High American History about masochistic :)

As always - Pray - Praise and Prepare

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Not THAT kind of Swine Flu post....

It may just be me - but I find it absolutely FASCINATING that the 2 states that have the HIGHEST infection rate are NY and IL. They arent even border states. So either they have a lot of travelers to Mexico, they are really a non-hand washing population ( read nasty) or maybe they just hire a bunch of Mexican workers - illegals perhaps??? just saying.....

Chase this rabbit....

Hopefully you all know by now that BHO has basically given Chrysler to the Union and bumped them above those that SHOULD be paid first in a bankruptcy. He did this by threatening the creditors with smearing them in the media.... After what he did to AIG and their executives and employees, they are probably pretty reluctant to take Mr. Thang on.

It was a scumbag move - everyone knows it - even BHO knows it, but he doesnt care. Its about power - Its the way "community organizers" work - just think Sopranos without the Italian accents....

But this could be good for some states.... WHAAA???? You say.... How can giving this car company be good for some states? Well here is where the rabbit comes in. The talk about whats wrong with what BHO did - meaning that when banks and lenders go to give money to companies, they are going to be leery of companies that are hurting because they are afraid they wont get their money back. Well, they wont get their money back if they loan to companies with Unions. Not one bit....Unions owe BHO, and BHO owes the Unions and if the public actually saw the two together, we would yell "GET A ROOM...." Sorry, I digress....

Anyway, back to banks not lending to Companies that have unions. So, who would a lender like to lend to? A company that does not have unions - I would be looking for companies who are based in RIGHT TO WORK states.....Like Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, N. Carolina, N. Dakota, Oklahoma, S. Carolina, S. Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Wyoming.

Huh....what strikes you about those 22 states listed above? Now I know this doesnt apply to ALL of them, but I notice several things:

1 - a lot of Southern States
2 - a lot of Western - Independent States
3 - a lot of Farming states
4 - States that like, scratch that, LOVE guns - CCL states....
5 - states that dont have a real fondness for the Fed. Gov.
6 - states where people are predisposed to taking care of themselves
7 - states where there arent just absolutely HUGE urban areas (I mean they have some, but it isnt NYC)

Because of these right to work states, I see companies from these states having an easier time getting loans. I see companies who have unions that are big ole pains, moving to states that are Right to Work. In this current economic climate, these kinds of states should fair better.

It is also telling what states are not here and those states seem to have problems currently in meeting their states' budgets, huge housing crisis, empty neighborhoods and high unemployment.

The one that does surprise me that it isnt among the 22 is, I guess they arent perfect after all.... but after today, they are oh, so close.... ;)


Montana ROCKS!

This post on Staying Alive sent my mind working overdrive.... Its a good post - go read it now.... I will be here while you do.... Its ok, I know you will be back..... Go on.....

Ok - So I have been thinking about Montana and how cool it is - I mean, the whole entire State and all its Peoples are AWESOME! (Dont post any comments about how some guy with Montana plates cut you off - you probably deserved it....) Anyway - so I wonder how many firearms manufacturers are in Montana and how many will be soon.... I wonder how much sales revenue will be gained for the State when people would rather purchase a Montana Made product and not one where they send the Government a blood sample....

And then I wondered about other states following suit like Michael says - Texas and Indiana.... But I thought a lot about Texas. I mean, A LOT of stuff is manufactured in Texas - A LOT.... And how Texas may just decide that anything made there is just none of the Government's business.... That would include COWS, CHICKENS, PIGS, TURKEY, you name it.... This 10th Amendment stuff be what keeps the NAIS out of our business.

Here in Oklahoma, we have a big MIO industry (Made In Oklahoma) - You have heard me go on and on about our Oklahoma Coop - it rocks by the way - and how much government red tape (read "pain in the butt) could we cut out by putting the Federal Government where it belongs and elevating the State to its rightful place? It was kind of a rhetorical question, but I am guessing A WHOLE HECK OF A LOT.....

It will be interesting to see what happens with the first Federal raid of a firearms manufacturer in Montana and what the state does to protect him (I am betting his legal bill will be footed by the NRA - but its just a guess). A good ruling would be the first step in beginning to put the Feds back in their place.... Man, that would be awesome to watch.....

Guess, I am like Michael and just dreaming....but with Montana, this may be one dream that comes true....Now, if they would do something about that State Income Tax, that State would be darn near perfect ;)

The Boob that sits in our Governor's mansion....

This is him:

Man, is he a dork.... But, I really like his wife. We had a field trip about 2 weeks ago and his wife was a friend of one of the moms in our group and she is the one that showed us around. We got to see parts of the home that the "regular" tour does not see. At the end of our tour, she looked at her watch and goes "Lets go see Brad's office" and off we went to the Capitol. She is pretty cool - He married up - WAAAY up!

Anyway - he vetoed several things that just drive me nuts.

First, he vetoed a voter registration bill where the person voting has to show ID or the voter registration card they were issued WHEN THEY REGISTERED..... You see, the Boob thinks that would cause undo hardship - WHAT THE....???? The way things work now, I dont have to show squat - in fact, I just tell them who I am, sign on the little line on the page (with a ton of other names and lines) and then go vote... So "theoretically" I could visit precinct after precinct and with a little bit of research ahead of time could get names and vote all day long.... Now, I know that type of thing NEVER goes on - especially in Democratic precincts, but there is the potential.... Whats stupid is his reason - UNDUE HARDSHIP.... yeah, keeping that voter registration card THEY MAIL YOU FOR FREE after you register to vote is TOO HARD FOR SOME PEOPLE. Well, then I contend you are TOO STUPID TO VOTE!!!!

The second thing he vetoed was the 10th Amendment assertion by the State of Oklahoma. It sailed through our Oklahoma House and Senate and Obama's Lap Dog vetoed it.... It was a big ole sloppy kiss to the President. I bet instead of picture of his hot wife on his nightstand, he has a pic of BHO.... I have just grossed myself out.

Mostly, this is a rant about how I just cant wait until 2010 - when we will get rid of this idiot....

This guy only got the office because 2 excellent men split the vote on the Republican / Independent side....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Book Review and the personal insight it gave....

I just finished reading the book Survivor's Club by Ben Sherwood.

It is a survey of Survivors and an analysis of what they did right and how you can adapt that to your life. People who have found themselves in situations that would kill most people. For example - knitting needle through the heart, attacked by a mountain lion, falling overboard a cruise ship drunk, sinking ferry boat in the middle of icy waters, prisoners of war....the list goes on.

It was a fascinating book on these circumstances and the book is well written and very entertaining.

What I took away from this book was several things:

1 - This is not a drill.....nope - you never know when your survivor situation will arise and so be ready. When that fire alarm goes off at work - your butt should be out of your chair moving for the door while most people will be milling around wondering if its a "Real" alarm or a fire drill.

2 - Stay in the present - work the situation you find yourself in - dont wish, hope, daydream about something else, you waste time and energy and you may need both.

3 - Eat your elephant one bite at a time - take on one small task and then another always working toward the end goal of eating your elephant. You are so much stronger than you think you are....

Lastly, I learned that knowing you can get through anything puts you a long way towards getting there. Not the blind optimistic hope, but reality based faith - Faith (if you would prefer). Those that got through difficult circumstances almost always had a belief system - God. Those prisoners of war who died first - the optimist. Be a realist - UNDERSTAND THE DIRENESS OF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES and KNOW YOU CAN GET OUT OF IT.....

I bought this book, read it and recommend it - no monies have changed hands except for what I gave to Barnes and Noble ;) Although, if Ben Sherwood wants to use this on the book jacket of the next printing, we can talk....Call me.....

Monday, May 4, 2009


Oh my word.....

Our brilliant leader is closing tax loop holes for evil corporations. And if those banks that the U.S. Government thinks are hiding money arent forthcoming, he will act accordingly - whatev, Mr. President.

First, these banks are not under your authority - I know you think you are all that, but a lot of these banks belong to a different country - sorry.....

Next, I find it a little humorous that you are so upset about PERCEIVED tax cheats, but its no big deal for PROVEN tax cheats to be hired by your administration. How 'bout you take that big ole plank out of your own eye before you go after a tiny speck in someone else's eye - what? Rev. Jeremiah Wright didnt teach you that in Sunday School? What kind of church was that? Oh yeah, forgot....

Third, except for loyalty and a big ole pain in the behind, I wonder what keeps a company from relocating overseas..... Well, after this, even less will keep them here - Good job Mr. Pres on creating new jobs IN OTHER COUNTRIES..... Oh wait - he is creating jobs here - 800 NEW IRS AGENTS.... I wonder how long before people really start to get biblical on Tax Collectors....

And lastly, dont lecture me on Citizenship - dont even try to equate paying taxes as patriotic. The Patriots of this country pay taxes UNDER THREAT - not out of patriotism or civic duty. The Government commits THEFT BY COERCION every time someone sends in a tax payment. You steal it out of our check and then give us back what you deem right. Its disgusting.

What these Patriots do is continue to give to charity at a larger rate than this Government and its officials. We are generous with what is left - we take care of ourselves and those around us.

So give it your best shot Mr. All That - we see what is going on - we see your ship burning with your printing presses going, with China refusing to buy Tbills, with your spending more than ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS COMBINED - we are going to go get our hotdogs out of longterm storage to cook by the fire because we arent going to help you put this fire out - instead, we are going to watch you go down in smoke and then we will stomp out the ashes and will put the Constitution (and not science) back in its rightful place. We will be THESE UNITED STATES and theres nothing you can do about it - you have done too much to stop already.....

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Quote of the Day

First - I LOVE FACEBOOK - its fun to update my status with something witty and clever :) I just amuse myself....

I also LOVE FLAIR and got this today - someone knows me too well :)

Zombie Survival Fact #3: Swords dont need to be reloaded
Adding SWORD to my survival list as we "speak".... :)

I know its wrong, but.....

I am kinda bummed that the "Flu" isnt in Oklahoma yet and that my kids arent quarantined at the house - like on snow days....

Anyhoo - the Flu is in 30 states with 20 more to go - Oklahoma hasnt had a case yet, but are waiting for verification of a case of a hospital worker - but we have been waiting for days on this one....

Heres the CDC link again - no reason to make you hunt back through old posts to find it ;)

This thing could turn out to be nothing and that the regular flu is much deadlier or it could come back with a vengeance this coming Fall - either way, be prepared! We are overdue for something nasty showing up and kicking us to the curb!

Pray - Praise - Prepare

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Back to torture....

I have still been thinking about waterboarding and torture. I firmly believe that the United States should not be involved in torture, but I couldnt reconcile my indifference or actually my encouragement of the use of waterboarding on the person it was used on....

Until it clicked in my head that ultimately, I dont think that waterboarding is torture. I just dont.

I believe that it is something that can be used with the permission of the HIGHEST AUTHORITY in our Country (that means the President) as it was in the past and that is fine with me. He is held accountable if and when it is used. If President Obama does not want to waterboard any more, that is fine with me to, but at the same time, the ultimate responsibility if something happens to this Country rests on him. If he lets his chance pass to keep this Country safe and he doesnt get it done, he cant blame "W" - the death, the blood, the blame, falls directly on BO. It is his call....

There is concern that if we allow this kind of thing on terrorists or whatever, that ultimately it will be used on Patriots. May be. But if this kind of hoopla happens upon the use of waterboarding on a scumbag, imagine the revolt if its used on a Patriot. If things deteriorate to the point that Patriots are taken and waterboarded, things are deteriorating very quickly and this is the least of our worries. Revolution would be the ultimate result.

I know that other Patriots will and do disagree with the above and what is so excellent is the discourse which follows. The true understanding of Patriots that disagreement does not mean we are not ultimately on the same side - the amazing document of the Constitution, the perfection of it - was only attained through vigorous disagreement - the debate of the issues refined it to where we wish we could be today.

I do know that what men did with permission of the President they should NOT be held against them today and if another country wants to try them, they can just go to Hell!!

Quote of the Day

"Muggers out here plum get their asses blown away"
Death Wish

It really does take a Village....

I know, I know....I cant stand the title of this post either - in fact, I think I threw up a little in my mouth....

But. It. Does. {{{{shiver}}}}

You cant do it alone. You cant survive all by yourself. You can do it for a while, if you are lucky and a little prepared, but you cant do it indefinitely.

At the very least you need someone watching your back while you need someone for an emotional connection to another person..... You need someone who knows something that you dont - I know, it was hard for me to admit that I dont and wont know everything {sigh}....

How do you find these people? Hopefully, you are in a committed relationship with one (see how I did that TOR? Taking my own advise ;) ) That is a start. You might have a couple of munchkins who you are raising to be able to do certain things and if you are lucky, they are at an age that they can contribute. You would be surprised how young a child can help, even if its helping unload a dishwasher, match their own socks or all the socks for that matter, feed the dog, cat or whatever....and even clean a little but lets be realistic, it wont be that clean.

After family - "doubling up" (as mentioned in The Patriot) These might be neighbors or friends who are like minded or they might be in laws or other family. Two families are better than one, but if there is something that is drilled in a survivalists head is that 1 is none and 2 is one....

So it would be best for 3 or more families to join forces, resources, knowledge, strength.....

Where to find these? Dont think on emotion - use your head and sift through your friends or those that you know to find qualities of preparedness. You probably already know several who garden, put a little back for what if, buy guns.... Put these people on your prelim list.

Add any doctors or dentists you also know that are of the same political minded/preparedness bent as you....

Think about Mechanics - Welders - Construction - Vets - Electrician/Plumb - Heavy Machinery....

People with practical skills that would compliment what you know or what you do....

Start a plan today - you dont have to have a formal agreement and actually, they dont even have to know you prep - just keep their names in mind and make an offer if things become a little hinky (i love that word) and offer them a place to bug out to.....

Remember - your best chance is to be prepared and to be with your own village....

Pray - Praise - Prepare