Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Six Degrees of Seperation from Lenin to Obama (Not even 6...)

Eat the Rich and this Nation will STARVE...

Hating the rich is, I am not saying that all "Rich" people are wonderful - there are some that are totally jerks.....there are also some "Middle Class" that are Jerks as well as the "Poor".

Now realize, that when you talk about "Rich", most people define that as those that make more than they do...and "Poor" are those that make less than you and most people identify themselves as "Middle Class." See - ITS ALL RELATIVE which means its EASY TO MANIPULATE...

Ok - back to Hating the Rich....its misdirected. Misdirected because we should be hating CONGRESS. We should see the Government as the ENEMY....EVIL....Necessary, but EVIL - NECESSARY EVIL....

Congress has twisted this whole AIG thing to get people all upset over the Rich - ACORN is loading buses up to Picket in front of big ole houses owned by AIG employees.

Well, lets follow this hating the Rich thing all the way through....but we dont have to use our imaginations (although I think I have a good one), we just have to read a little history....really? History repeating itself? Yes - DUH!!!

Anyway, this time we dont go to the American Revolution, although as far as Revolutions go, this one ROCKED....we are heading to Russia and the Bolshevik Revolution.

What a great time....It was 1917.....The people were pissed about The War....and in July, they started rioting in the streets....anything sound familiar so far? By November, the Leftists were in power and it was a pretty bloodless as the Red Guard took over most of the Government....

Let me see, where can I see a similarity of a bloodless Leftist Regime Overtaking of Government in November...where....where....where?

The Bolsheviks were mostly comprised of Workers, Military and Peasants.... After this Revolution, then came the bloodbath of the Civil War, led by Lenin.

In about 2 years time from 1918 to 1920, hundreds of thousands were killed by both the Red and the White Armies. However, it was Lenin's Government which used Red Terror to systematically crush his opposition.

You see, the "Middle Class" in Russia, the Doctors, Lawyers, Educated, Teachers, Store Owners, Farmers, Business Owners....were murdered, run out of town or had their Business/Farms destroyed or taken over by the Government - because the Government could run it better....The Government could make sure that the peasants got what they deserved (sound familiar?)

What followed was that the Russia started to starve. They couldnt produce what they needed and eventually turned on the peasants who were growing what they were living on in their backyards. The Government demanded from them what they were growing....Now the Peasants, the workers who supported Lenin, were at his mercy and the rest is History....

Lenin and the Reds used anger and hatred to obscure the real objects of the people's anger and turned into a Revolution - a revolution that killed many who wanted it...

The same thing is happening here....This hatred of AIG employees and their bonuses....Did you know that Fannie and Freddie Bonuses were much MUCH M.U.C.H. bigger than those at AIG? Did you know that Chris Dodd's wife works for AIG in Jamaica although they live in you think we pay for their rides back and forth? Did you know that Francine Water's husband is on the board of the bank that Barney Frank gave bailout funds to that is also in his district? Did you know that most of those bonuses to AIG went to the branch that MADE money and had nothing to do with the "swapping" that brought down the firm (you could actually say they EARNED their bonus (sarcasm, because I believe they did EARN it).

The fact that we have "Rich" in this Country means that you too can become "Rich". That is the opportunity of Capitalism. Do you really want Government telling you how much you can earn or how much your work, your labor, your time is worth?


Mayberry said...

The only rich I find to be jerks in this country are named Kennedy, Gore, Rockefeller, Bush, Clinton, Rove, Pelosi, Reed, Soros, Cheney, Geitner, Bernanke........

Obammy WANTS a Bolshevik revolution of sorts, but he's gonna win himself a civil war at his current pace....

Anonymous said...

In the UK they smashed a house window and a car of the ex boss of RBS because of his bonus.


"This is a crime. Bank bosses should be jailed. This is just the beginning."
(Quote from sky news site,link was too long to post)


Anonymous said...

You are way too smart to be driving you tractor in pearls. :-) Have you ever considered running for Vice-president ... President? Maybe sometime in the future ...