Friday, March 13, 2009

Quote of the Day

It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error. --

Robert Houghwout Jackson,Chief Judge at the War-Crimes Tribunal in Nuremberg

With BHO trying to put Science back in its rightful place (according to him) and with the reversal of Government sponsored stem cell research, I fear that what Nazi Germany did in the way of human experiments may pale in comparison to what BHO's Administration does...

God Have Mercy.....

1 comment:

irishdutchuncle said...

sorry pearls, "liberals" are liberals first. they're sickos. there has never been an abortion done that they don't support. if by chance an aborted baby is born alive, they refuse to recognize its right to life. embryonic stem cell research has yielded nothing but horrible results, compelling them to call for more embryonic research, wheras cord blood and adult stem cell research shows real promise, but requires no killing of innocents.