Monday, April 27, 2009

Prepping Pay-off

Here is where prepping pays off. I am off this morning to get a few items on my list in case there is an extended "home stay" at my house.

There is nothing IMMEDIATE about what is on my list, in fact, I have everything on my list already.... Just a few more wouldnt hurt.

In prepping, I have taken care of my family so that if we woke one day and couldnt leave the house or chose to stay home for an extended period of time, we would be fine - FINE - with more to share with family or those in need.

Wait - I took a look at my list and I need 1 purple onion - that is the only thing I need to buy that I dont have at my house. I want a fresh one and not some dehydrated onion....

Get what you need today people. Then the decision is yours - you dont HAVE TO get out unless you want too. How many people could be saved from getting infected if people had what they needed and didnt HAVE TO get out to get supplies when this thing is raging?

Pray - Praise - Prepare


Mayberry said...

I need to stock up on some more stuff, been neglecting food lately. It's easy for a guy to get wrapped up in the "toys"......

Maggy said...

I went today and re-stocked/added to my preps. I added an additional 2 weeks of food, and I'm glad I did.