Saturday, September 20, 2008

Framing and Stairs....

Today guys started snapping chalk lines on our concrete to determine where the walls will go. We left, but in my head they started nailing wood after we left :) In my head, when I drive out there walls will be visible to everyone else, because they are great in my head...

I also needed to determine the stair situation in the house. I have 3 areas - the "main" stairs, the keeping room stairs and the stairs that will go to our loft. The loft ones are my favorite - they are in the middle of the main floor and I dont want them in the way, so we chose Lapeyre stairs. They are alternate tread stairs that are an industrial product - if anyone can tell me what this man also invented without Googling it, you get a big kiss :) Anyway, there are a million colors to pick from, so the hardest part is picking ONE COLOR....who can just pick one color? I need about 6 so I can change them out like I do slip covers! The only consolation is that the standard (read blah/boring) spiral stairs in the keeping room get color also, but they arent even in the same league as the alternating tread stairs...

The main stairs are going to be as above - very industrial and depending on the blue - I may just leave it. These will be visible, but not much as they are heading down to the basement. The only thing I may have to check is the treads....I dont want anything poking me as I go up and down in my socks ;)

Enjoy your weekend - whats left...MORE NEXT WEEK!


Matt said...

The machine that peels shrimp. Yes I had to google that it peeled the shrimp but yes I knew it had something to do with shrimp. It was on an episode of Dirty Jobs. And no I don't need a really big kiss, but thanks.


I drive my tractor in pearls... said...

I will let J give you the big kiss :)