Thursday, July 22, 2010

Making good on a Promise....

Way back in 2008, our Country was facing a little crisis....

Thousands of Oklahomans called our Representatives and our Senators...

We told them absolutely NOT to the TARP bill.... and guess what?

Mary Fallin voted FOR it.... I got a nice little form email/letter from her stating that she thought it was best to keep the Country afloat... Thats right, you and Tom Coburn think you know whats best for us... (You will get your own blog post Dr. Coburn....)

And I was hacked.... Amazingly enough, Ms. Fallin started sending out feelers for a run at the Governor's job since our idiot cant be elected to a third consecutive term.... I bet she started to realize that she might not see another term in DC... Or she may be moving herself on up the Political Career Ladder....

And then came her sponsorship of this bill: Puerto Rico Statehood Now, dont email me and tell me that it doesnt give Puerto Rico statehood... I know that - but what it does is open the door for basically PR to decide what it wants to do and if it wants to become a state, there is little we can do about it as previous states (TN and AK) have done it the same way....

So, she signs on to sponsor this crap and then it hits the fan.... Glenn Beck.... Neil Boortz.... Talk Shows galore start talking about this bill and how crappy it is. And guess what - Ms. Fallin has an "dental emergency" and is unable to vote for the crap she sponsored....

And after I called and emailed both OK and DC offices and was hung up on when I maintained my composure and was respectful, I sent Ms. Fallin an email stating that I was going to do anything I could to ensure that she would never hold public office again in Oklahoma.

So this is me not being a liar....

The third straw came recently when Ms. Fallin has REFUSED to debate the other Republican Candidate, Randy Brogdon Yeah, he kind of looks like an elf, but hey - better than a snake or a weasel.... Besides, Will Ferrel did wonders for the public image of elves :)

Now, she doesnt have to debate, but for heaven's sake, Ms. Fallin, dont hold an open forum for Lobbyists. She did just that - Lobbyist Summit - 7/7/2010.... Or are you so arrogant that you think this thing is in the bag?

Mary Fallin is a woman who sees the political system as her JOB - CAREER POLITICIAN - I want someone in office where I ACTUALLY REMEMBER WHAT THEY USED TO DO BEFORE OFFICE....

And yes, this is snide, but I do wonder how smart she actually is.... What does she actually believe? I mean, if you read her website, she does state she doesnt like how TARP has been implemented and the such - but you do not read anywhere - "I made a mistake voting for this bill and wish I had it to do over." Its excuse and justification after another....

I am not telling you who to vote for - Vote for Jeri Askins (gag me) or Drew Edmondson if you want - how much damage can they do with a Republican held Senate/House? But for the love of everything good....



Anonymous said...

when you get that kind of representation in Washington, i don't blame you for being pissed off. Thankfully, not all represenatives are like yours. Take my advice and move to the 4th district of VA. we've got a super representative here.

Anonymous said...

Let this fellow Oklahoman know.

Brad K. said...

I forget how Fallin got me on her mailing list.

But she made my list when I had to make several requests to get *off* her mailing list. If she has no better judgement about ethics, privacy, SPAM and abuse - hey, I got no use for that kind of backroom-style, old-boy network, same business as before kind of candidate.

I just though I would mention that Mary Fallin has been a US Representative. I don't think that makes her a has-been. She did that on her own.

Chief Instructor said...

I'm doing the same for the maggot weasel of a representative I've got here in Ca - Jerry McNerney.

I am volunteering for his opponent - for the very first time in my life - to get him booted out. He has done nothing but lie and curtsy in front of Pelosi (who has gotten him buckets-o-contributions).

One side benefit if he gets kicked out is that he'll get to enjoy ObamaCare like the rest of us. He's only been in congress for 4 years. You need 5 under your belt to get the congressional health plan.

fullycompletely said...

I'm voting Brogdon and I talked my wife out of voting for Fallon. But have you noticed that ALL candidates commercials sound the same? Right or Left. Talk about the right/left paradigm.

Sandrahess said...

I absolutely LOVE that tub - everything about it is's a beautiful space in all ways, but I too have issues with the placement of the washington. That really is a beautiful space. Nice work!


Anonymous said...

Great post! Thanks @Sandra for sharing

SummerRain said...

I agree with pdudgeon but will add that most of Oklahoma's congress members are good.

New book out about a small town in Oklahoma (Temple)that finally stands up to federal tyranny & it's a thriller.
It's a small, rural town that decides they don't need D.C. (District of Corruption).

Read it & it's a thriller so I recommend it. It's all I can afford for gifts this yr. but it'll get the word out & has a surprise ending.

Glad your online now. I think most all of us are pleased with the November elections in Oklahoma

ruzzel01 said...

You dealt with it fairly.

revenue cycle bpo