1 - I absolutely know this - I also know that this Federal Law has NEVER been enforced because those that wrote this Federal Law know it wouldnt pass Constitutional mustard...its a bluff at best - and at worst a calculated gamble to do something illegal. I also am willing to deal with the consequences of my actions...
2 - How confidential was CW#2 as she went around my small town asking people about me by name and then telling them Federal Marshals were going to show up?
3 - I got nothing... I still own that city house - some of my things are still in it.
4 - On my end - I am done - unless CW#1 or CW#2 shows up while I am home or manages to get my cell phone number. Then its a play it by ear situation.
It wasnt a game - a game would have been to lie - put down 15 white people living in my house in order garner my city more money. Is that done? Heck yes it is - are those numbers double checked or is it taken on faith that the person answering is honest?
There is nothing that they ask that cant be gained with pretty much a quick Internet search or with the Governments already held information. Spending $40 to $60 is a waste - because the Government is stupid. Spending money to mail me a card saying the census is coming..... and then another one saying saying AGAIN the census is coming is stupid.... Making those stupid commercials, was wasteful...
CW#2 should not have had my name on her list - We built the house we moved to and did not have occupancy until way the end of May - there is no reason, except for incompetence on the other end for my name to be on her list. If there is a CW I answer to, it will be CW#1 - and if you read it, there were no derogatory words or anything for her.
What bothers me about this the most is this right here is a PERFECT example of a Government who no longer asks BEFORE they pass a law if its Constitutional, but does what it wants - KNOWING its ILLEGAL - and then because of who they are know many will comply. They do not enforce the law because the Government knows its out of bounds. The Government passes laws, knowing they are wrong and does as it pleases.
And yes, they have all the information already, so why not give it to them... Because they have all that information, I shouldnt have to give it to them.
This is a major fraud committed on the American people - there are large organizations who use the Census to boost numbers, lie, cheat and steal. This is but another way for the Government to redistribute wealth and if you dont think that is what was done in major urban areas around this country - then I have a Black Panther video you need to see....
Look - there are honest, hard working people working for the Census for a little extra cash. I get that - that I believe was what CW#1 was - what Brad K is - but then there are jerks with clip boards like my CW#2 who I believe skate on the edge of illegal, and then there is ACORN and those affiliated who are involved in outright criminal activities....
You want games? There are your games - it isnt a game to pick up your ball and refuse to play....
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
My Comment to CENSUS - 2010
I typed a response to the first comment on THIS POST.... Google said it was too large to process and to say that I almost had a heart attack is an understatement... But when I went back, amazingly enough it was still there, so here it is.... *** Turns out that it did post, but not according to the error message I got - I have deleted the 3 exact responses (I kept trying even though I got an error message, obviously) and what is below is exactly what was posted on the other post's comments....
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Hell yeah, that's how you deal with 'em. Brad is a sheep to the Nth degree, jeez. Myself, I haven't heard a peep on my census form signed Nunya Bidness...
I didn't refuse to answer the census this year, The census refused to send me one. According to my county, the vast majority of the population is Native American with less than a 3rd grade education. I'm Anglo with a College degree, but because I live in this county with this poor education, I cannot get a census form mailed to me and a census worker was supposed to deliver it or something but none ever showed up.
The US Census is mandated in the US Constitution, the original document. The Census is enacted in federal code, but the authority and impetus was there when the Constitution was signed and ratified. There is no sounder basis for any government action.
The Census combines a bit of historical approach with the realities of today's country. Two aspects really stood out for me, as differing from what I expected.
The first was - they don't "canvas" or check people. They make up a pretty complete list of addresses - housing units - and canvas each for who lived there on Census day. The intent is to count each and every person "where they live and sleep most of the time" - where ever that was, on the first of April, 2010. The second was the 'witness' or source. We could check with the utility company (except Homeland Security forbade utility companies from giving out names, it could put someone at risk. Gag me with a spoon.), with city offices (code enforcement, etc.), the county assessor, and any other source of information a (temporary) federal employee could get into. It doesn't count, for completing the questionnaire. I had a gentleman tell me that a certain structure had been vacant for several years, including Census Day - but wouldn't let me put his name down as my source of information. I asked another neighbor, got the same information, plus the “respondent” name. That completed the questionnaire, and that part of my assignment.
If I couldn't find someone to give me their best information, it didn't count.
The form you turned in was for your previous address – not for you. When the Census folk showed up and needed a questionnaire completed for where you moved to – that wasn’t related to where you used to live. If you knew the place had been empty on April 1, you should have told them that, so they could report the address vacant, and with your name as the witness that it had been vacant on April 1, to the best of your knowledge. Simple. Apparently they didn't get that information from you, so they had to keep looking.
Remember, these are people on official, federal assignment to find out that simple piece of information - who lived at address X on Census Day. Because that assignment is required and laid out in Federal law, because the results are used by communities and states, most all community and state agencies cooperate very well with Census workers.
I am sorry you felt that your privacy was abridged. CW1 and CW2 were not busy-bodies. They had a responsibility to ask about who lived where.
Responding to the Census worker promptly, each and every time, meant they would not have been asking further questions - they would have had their answers and moved on, and anything you related would have been confidential by federal law. Barring getting cooperation and needed information, they were required, again by federal law, to keep asking anyone that might or might not have anything to add, to locate the information needed on the address they were assigned.
BTW - we were specifically instructed to never say, "This will take care of the Census, and no one else from the Census will contact you." That is because there may be a need to duplicate the questions (training, double check a community, or because the first questionnaire - or three! - were rejected for some reason). Phone numbers might be used to double check the information given – to resolve questions about an address, or verify the work that the Census worker did. There are also other Census activities, including the nine(9) page (!) survey, and other projects the Census Bureau of the Department of Commerce undertakes in various communities and states through the years.
It would have been a violation of your privacy if a Census worker had revealed anything you related. Asking for the trail of ownership and residence for a given address is the basic function of the US Census.
Sending the cards is a gimmick using the Post Office to proof their list of addresses. If the person addressed doesn't live at that address, the Post Office can return the card, and the Census Bureau can update their files. The cards are a lot cheaper to print and send than the forms. The forms, once completed, are confidential, as on the "top secret, secret, confidential" scale. Handling and processing the completed, or possibly completed, forms is expensive in time, people, and money. Sending the cards annoys the people receiving them (just like gun control laws annoy the legal people, without bothering the crooks and terrorists in the least), but actually saves tax money.
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