In fact, I have done the search and link for you so HERE IT IS.... And its a link DIRECTLY to the Arizona Senate - its their PDF, so its accurate :) So go read it - I will be here when you get back....
Anyway - If you are illegal and you want to get around this law its a very easy thing to do....
Just 3 things:
1 - Dont get pulled over
2 - Dont commit a crime
3 - Dont pick up people that are loitering to take them someplace else for a job
There - you have it.... Because the AZ law does not allow - READ THAT DOES NOT ALLOW - for random asking of "papers". In fact - it asks for your DRIVERS LICENSE....or AZ ID Card....Or any form of identification where you have to show your birth certificate or immigration papers to obtain.
And on a side note, the United States' Immigration Policy is a joke. Every where else in the world, being in a country ILLEGALLY will get you arrested and imprisoned. Ask those 3 hikers who "accidentally" crossed Iran's border how its going. Are they incensed they were asked to provide proof of citizenship?
Also - when people travel abroad - you carry your passport with you and usually have in it a document that states you are there for business, employment or just for vacation and it states you can only be in that certain country for a specified period of time. THE NERVE!!!!
It astounds me that the USA falls so woefully behind the rest of the world in regards to this....
Cant believe I am going to say this, but lets be like the rest of the world - lets jail those that cross our borders illegally.... And then promptly toss them out!
And no - it has nothing to do with skin color - I dont care if you are white or if you are black or if you are brown.... I dont even care if you are Canadian.... If you are here without proper documentation - if we dont know you are here, you are trespassing - GET OFF OUR LAND....
Pray - Praise - Prepare
.....and please do it soon....time is running out - the stock market is trying to contain itself, but soon and very soon, it will be unable to maintain itself and we will see a drop unlike we have ever seen.... And when it drops, there will be panic.... Be prepared - it will calm you and allow you to be in a position to calm others....
Glen Beck warns us almost every day that a "panic" is coming. Its good to see someone else thinking about this other than a TV or Radio personality.
Good post. Well-spoken and blatant. Thanks. Vikki at
Ag, you haven't been around the blogs too much? Heh heh heh...
All the hoopla over this law is nothing more than political correctness gone haywire. A bunch of "goody twoshoes" morons wrapped up in a blanket of self importance and artificial "morality", all in direct opposition of everything sane and rational. Much like, oh.... EVERYTHING the government is doing TO us these days!
1) I read that Mexico is annoyed and horrified that some of their citizens are returning home - they don't have the medical care, schools, food, etc. to handle them.
2) I have about changed my mind on sending the undocumented - especially Mexicans - home. For two reasons, one is that organized labor seems heavily invested in sending them home, which lends an air of corruption in high places to much of the angst. The other is that at some point Americans are willing to rent to them, hire them, sell them food and utilities, let them into schools, hospitals, and stores. I gotta say I trust the number of Americans that made that call regarding some supposed 20 million people, than the yahoos in Washington, D.C. trying to garner votes. And, again, there are the hate-mongers in labor unions that use their clout to demonize arguably 1 in 15 people living in America.
3) I still say the right approach is to invite the northern tier of Mexican states to apply to join the United States. The same procedure that brought the Indian Territories (Oklahoma) into the union should work just as well there. If nothing else, it would shorten our southern border. Then send in the IRS with 1040 forms. Maybe even Janet Napolitano could find some corruption to occupy her time fruitfully.
4) I am concerned that most of my neighbors think "illegals" or "Mexicans" are the people of mixed Plains Indian ancestry, that speak Spanish (or "look" like they might). This is racial stereotyping. The reality is that there are a lot of Caucasion/White folk in Mexico, and some of them have crossed the border without documentation, too. But they get a free ride because they look White.
China has been smuggling people into the US, often using the two-year turnover cycle at Chinese restaurants to introduce "new" people to American cities and regions. The Canadians have been tracking the traffic, there have been scattered reports about it for some time. I don't see Asian ancestry undocumented aliens picking up the angst and anger that the racially stereotypical Mexican does.
5) Managing the borders is the government's job. Keeping the nation healthy within those borders is my job and yours. We might use Congress to help, but that is a tricky choice, and often backfires. The flood of Mexican-origin workers and families, without due process, has been going on for decades. It is time to recognize that America, as a nation apart from vested Union interests and mealy-mouthed politicians, has spoken, loud and clear. Most of those under the "illegal immigrant" cloud have been welcomed to our communities and work sites. Let's recognize that, and make it work better for everyone. Like the war on drugs, the war on poverty, the war on people uninsured for health care, etc., separate out what Washington, D.C. wants to pander for votes, from reality.
Else, how do you manage the pervasive issues involved? Now we are letting Americans and others practice routine abuse, deception, and manipulation of people and families. And we need to deal responsibly with those committing crimes, etc., when our justice system is based on an presumption of citizenship.
Mayberry, in retrospect, your right. I have seen quite alot of this "panic" aka survivalist stuff on the blogs. I guess it's like every time I see it, my adrenal glands take a dump and it feels like I'm seeing it for the first time.
"...enforce the laws, suppress insurrections, repel invasions..." You'll find this in both the U.S. Constitution and most states' constitutions.
30,000,000 invaders.
Get hopping. All trains lead to Mexico City. All aboard.
I have been sort of ironically amused about the "boycotts" of Arizona and Arizona's response - the revenue they may lose is a drop in t bucket to what they're paying out in health care and services for illegals.
I for one am MORE inclined to visit them know.
I worked in a foreign country for a brief time as a U.S. National working for a U.S. firm doing some work there temporarily. I was expected to arrive with certain papers, permissions and such and was treated less than kindly during the process, but I wasn't offended, they were doing a job. My documents were specific in that I was there was a short pre-specified time, as an agent of my employer and if caught after that I would have been immediately jailed or thrown out.
That's how it should be.
That's visit them "now".
I shouldn't spell at 5 in the morning before coffee.
I'm amazed of how some Americans think, it's disgusting. It's ok to go kill innocent children to another country to get the oil, fight wars that are not your problem just because you want their natural resources and whatever they have to offer for the USA to control. People that come here illegaly it's because they want a better life for their families.But I guess your way of thinking doesn't compare to thousands of years of culture to only a couple hundred years of yours.
excellent write up,I keep coming here because I learn so
eductive post
for free
excellent write up,I keep coming here because I learn so
for free
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