Thursday, November 6, 2008

Technical Term: Trusses

In our house, they have been referred to as a pain in the .... well, you know. This blog is supposed to be "G" rated, but since very little of what I do is "G", we shoot for "PG" or at least "PG-13" :)

Let me start by saying that when you decide to build your house, the one that you want to live in the rest of your life, hand down to your children, build just like your fantasy, please, PLEASE consult a professional. You laugh - but, I sat down with a piece of graph paper and drew what I wanted. EASY. No one knows what I want better than me, right? So I drew it PERFECT!!! Yeah, well, there are people called ENGINEERS - who are truly fun suckers - who told me I cant have the roof I want...something about snow load and stupid stuff like that...Like heck.... I told them we dont get that much snow, but they didnt care....

It seems that wood beams can only span a certain space before you either have to put in metal beams or a supporting wall...oh contraire.... I DONT THINK SO - did they not see how I drew it on my graph paper? Clearly, there werent any walls and there wasnt any metal (although the metal would have been fine with me, seems the Charles Schwab account we have our building monies in disagreed and said none of the dollars would be going toward expensive metal beams - well, Chuck and the cheap man I married and adore, John).

So this whole thing became John's problem to fix. And by fix, I mean do what I want because I am not changing the house plans ;) So he did. He talked to people, explained that we wanted a flat roof on a slant, that there would not be any supporting walls, that this was a warehouse we were building to live in and make livable....he explained it all....the dream - they VISION ;) He also has that aforementioned trait "CHEAP" which means he got creative. He found a company in Texas (that blessed state) that made us custom wood trusses that will do everything I want and meet my FRUGAL (thats for you babe) husband's fiscal concerns....

Well, all that to say, THEY GOT DELIVERED TODAY :) 26 of them all 48' long - that is really long....

Now dry us in....Jason, you reading? Main floor walls, loft floor/walls and a roof....Windows next :)

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