Thursday, April 22, 2010

Still thinking about food storage....

There was a good comment under the 3 Pronged Attack post soooo long ago, but its not there now...

I have no idea where it went, but I accidentally deleted Mr. Mayberry because I couldnt tell which trashcan went with the sex spam and mistakenly deleted his - Sorry Mayberry ;)

Anyway, the comment referenced the fact that they ate food storage one summer for 2 months and they ate the pre-packaged stuff first and it surprised him.... Been thinking about that alot.....

I think I would be the exact same way. In times of stress, I would do what was easy - EASY - so yes, I would exhaust the ready-mades, the heat and eats, the just add milk/butter before I cracked open a bucket of wheatberries.

No, the easy isnt the best for you and no, its not the lowest form of calorie intake. But it can be quite cheap when used with coupons and it can last quite a good while due to the artificial stuff :)

And yes, this is just another shameless plug to clip those coupons. There isnt a faster, cheaper way to build a food supply than with coupons. Again, its not the most nutritious food, but if the world ends tomorrow, are you going to argue with me about a few calories here and there? No, you will be sorry you didnt finish off that jar of Nutella. And if you have no idea what Nutella is, then you have missed out on one of the greatest things ever made in Europe and exported to these United States.... Google it.... Or look at one of my old posts ;)

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

I've missed your blogging!!!