Monday, April 26, 2010

Chase this rabbit....

Ok - we are going to go Biblical for a minute - I Corinthian 13 - the love chapter.... You have probably heard it even if you have never picked up the Bible - but if you have been to a wedding in a church, this part was probably read...

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails.

Been reading this and having it preached the past few Sundays and let me tell you, its working on me. When I am impatient, I am not loving my kids, my spouse, the person in the car next to me, enough. When I am unkind, I am not loving enough.... This hits hard and it hits close to home.

So this past Sunday was about hope. Hope always - ALWAYS - goes with Love. When you love someone, you hope the best for them. Its why a mother of a death-row inmate thinks (hopes) her child is innocent. She loves them - she wants the best for them - she has hope for them.

And of course, I pondered this all day and into the next..... And then I started comparing it with the Hope message of the recent election - the hope message that so many wanted to believe. Which leaves me to trust.... Love always trusts...

But this past election had no hope and no trust. This administration doesnt give hope. It doesnt want the best for those it governs. It believes you cant do anything. You cant find a job without the government giving you one. You cant find a home without the government making the payments for you or having the bank reduce your payment. It doenst think you can take care of yourself and so it does everything short of just sending you a check each month....oh, does that too....

It does all these things by making you envy what it tells you "should" have. It does it by getting you to covet what someone else has or does or is.

Please people, understand that this Government does not love you - It does not give hope - It does not trust. It works against these ideas by doing everything that LOVE IS NOT.

Read 1 Corinthians 13 again.... Now, do you really see this Government as being able to give you hope or does seeing this lie from the Government make your skin crawl a little bit?

Pray - Praise - Prepare


kelly lautenbach said...

Amen and amen! :) Thanks for starting my Monday off with a lot to think about. It's amazing to me that people are so easily swayed by a clever campaign slogan or a well crafted speech.

Sam said...

I cannot believe I hadn't thought of this myself! And this is one of my two favorite chapters.

HermitJim said...

You make some very good points in a very concise and marvelous way!

way to go, my friend! Thank you!

Brad K. said...


I nearly posted about failings of Obama, from choosing to deliberately deny his mother's Caucasian race in order to ingratiate himself with the black community, to Hawaii working on a bill to ignore all the requests, still, for Obama's birth certificate. And I decided that pointing out the lies, the moral failures, the disregard and routine violations of the Constitution by a man that could not manage to complete his oath of office in public was kind of redundant. And I decided to drop it. I did.

Than I noticed this cartoon

Cartoon title: Hidden Agenda

(Newspaper headline, "Arizona immigration law angers Obama") "No wonder he's upset. Now if he goes to Arizona, he may finally have to produce a birth certificate."

Actually, I would pay good money to watch Sheriff Joe Arpaio deport someone failing to produce an American birth certificate. Wouldn't that be a pickle in Harry Reid's salad?