Friday, April 30, 2010

Scumbag University

I am totally convinced that no matter which party, all career politicians are scumbags. You may love yours.....You may love Ron Paul.....but if you cant remember what they did before they went to Washington, chances are, they are graduates of Scumbag University.

Ron Paul is great, but he was a co-sponsor of the Puerto Rico HR2499 voted on yesterday.... So was Mary Fallin (who happened to have to have emergency dental surgery here in OK on Wednesday when the story broke so she was unable to be able to vote yea or nay.)

I called Ms. Fallin's offices here in OK and in Washington too. I even sent her an email. Told her I didnt appreciate the sponsorship and that enough was enough (she voted for the 1st bailout and then voted "No" on everything else) and that not only would I not be voting for her for Governor, but I would be campaigning against her.... I have no idea who I am campaigning for, but it may end up being just a "Just Not Mary" campaign for me....

Actually, my new benchmark for a political office may be that someone has never held political office before. Which means no incumbents.....which does hurt my heart a little bit - because I do love Jim Inhofe.......sigh......

Sorry for it being so short - heading to a Homeschooling convention today and that is all I have been thinking about!! WooHoo!!

Pray - Praise - Prepare

Thursday, April 29, 2010

San Francisco is outraged....

They are boycotting all things Arizona (I am sure Arizona is soooo upset.....)

Well, San Fran, I doubt Arizona would be having the problems its having if self-righteous cities, like yourself, didnt declare themselves "Sanctuary" cities. You basically told everyone willing to break the immigration laws, to just come right in.... And how do they get to you, holier than thou, San Fran? They have to cross in TX, NM, AZ, or CA....

I am sure the border states thank you for being so selfless in giving law breakers a break.

Immigration reform isnt about racism. In fact, if you think about it, an undocumented person is in a unique position to be victimized. They are kept at low wages, they are forever afraid of being found out, they are linguistically disadvantaged.

To promote ILLEGAL immigration is racist - it lacks a caring about people as created beings, endowed by our Creator.....

To ask people to sign the guest book on the way in isnt saying we dont want you, it says, welcome - we do want you, but we want to know who is staying with us. To lack this basic courtesy is theft - outright theft.

Do not let anyone tell you, you are racist for opposing ILLEGAL immigration. Do not get caught in a semantics debate - ITS ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION....these arent undocumented citizens - these arent citizens at all.... To ask that these laws be enforced are no more outrageous than asking for DWI laws to be enforced, identity theft laws or any other laws that people are held accountable to....unless you are in this administration, then you dont have to pay your taxes....but I digress....

And if you find yourself on the side of San Fran, for the love, people, you dont help your cause when you smash refried beans on things - that is just nasty....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oklahoma vs. Constitution

Oklahoma passed a law the other day, 2 actually, that were vetoed by the Governor (you remember him - the goofball) anyway, our legislature overturned his veto and passed a law that mandates a woman have a sonogram before an abortion.

The Gov didnt like it: Democratic Gov. Brad Henry has called the legislation "an unconstitutional attempt by the Oklahoma legislature to insert government into the private lives and decisions of its citizens."

Amazingly enough, this post isnt about whether or not OK's law is constitutional or whether I think its right or wrong. What I want to discuss is the Gov's sentiments about the Government inserting itself into private lives and decisions of its citizens.

You cant have it both ways.... You cant tell me I can do what I want with my body and then tell me I have to buy insurance to protect it. You cant tell me I have to have a sonogram and then turn around and tell me I cant have a medical procedure if I want one....

You are talking out of both sides of your mouth and you are starting to make me dizzy - honestly, you are starting to hack me off....

How ironic if the argument the Left has used for years in order to grant unfettered ability to murder children is actually their undoing in this entire health care Government over-reach? How glorious would it be if this argument is actually the nail that drives a beginning death blow to an ever extending Government?

(And if you think the "murder babies" comment was a little hard, just look up late term abortion and read how fully formed babies are just left to die or killed after they are born.)

And lets not forget this little gem from the Governor's remarks:

Henry said he was disappointed by Tuesday's vote. "It signals the beginning of another costly and possibly futile legal battle for the state of Oklahoma. Both laws will be challenged and, in all likelihood, overturned by the courts as unconstitutional," he said. "I fear this entire exercise will ultimately be a waste of taxpayers' time and money."

Or this gem from the Senate's Spokes Person in 2008 (When it was controlled by the Dems...):

"Politicians have no business making medical decisions. When they do, it seriously undermines doctors' ability to give patients the best medical care and does absolutely nothing to improve the health of patients," she said.

Please spare me your derision, Mr. Obama Lap Dog - you do not care about my pocketbook or what the taxpayers pay or support.... Thank Heavens, we are done with this annoying period of OK history in November!

Mr. Brad Henry your opinions are laughable - Griping when Government steps such a two-faced turn when your own words regarding the Healthcare (Obamacare) bill are remembered:

"I do think it is an important debate to have in Congress," Henry said. "Health care really is a federal issue. "

Pray - Praise - Prepare

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Americans are lazy....

This and that you are racist are the 2 main reasons the BO Administration is going to be taking up immigration.

I had a nice childhood. That might be an understatement. I had a great childhood. It was absolutely Leave it to Beaver if the Beav got to learn how to play tennis at the neighborhood club. It was wonderful. I have a great family....

All that to say, there was NEVER a time that I can remember when these words didnt come out of my dad's mouth - "I would dig ditches to feed you." This told me 2 things.

1 - That he loved me more than I could understand.

2 - That there was nothing beneath him and by default, beneath me.

When I met my husband, he was working several jobs and going to school full time. Totally supporting himself. He had some of the same qualities my dad had - mostly an excellent work ethic. These words were almost never spoken in my house "excellent work ethic" - but instead, my dad would say to find someone that "worked hard." He didnt advise me to find a doctor, or someone that would support me well or anything like that, but just someone that "worked hard."

He understood how just those 2 words could transform a young man into a man who could take care of his daughter. How those 2 words could play out for any boss or company. How those 2 words are promoted and given shots at success that most other 2 word pairs just dont see....

Several years ago, when my husband left the job he had always known and struck out on his own - I knew he could do it.... But that didnt mean I didnt plan things out in my head - if something went south, what would I do... My first job I was going to go for was at Target. I figured I could clothe my kids and feed them.... No job beneath me....

This was a long way to the point that I dont think there are jobs that Americans just wont do. If anyone heard the Beck radio show today, he went on a tirade that he couldnt find a kid to mow his lawn. I think living in CT and working in NYC has jaded his perspective. I have to turn away boys hustling lawns every summer. They go door to door - print up colorful fliers - print and cut out business cards. Each one trying hard to get the next yard to mow. I have even had boys push their lawn mowers all over the neighborhood - just knocking on doors and willing to knock it out right then and there....

We arent lazy. Well, some are, but I bet that goes away when they are hungry.... What Americans have forgotten or what has not been taught is the reason so many people came to this Country - the chance - THE CHANCE - of a better life.... They packed up everything they owned - some leaving family knowing they would never be able to go back to see them and they left.... They left not really knowing much except what they had heard - hearsay - and these people gave up everything. They came here with nothing and did anything they could to make a living. Taking job after job - working hard - and worked their way up. It may not have been them personally, but their sacrifices made it possible for their children to move up and even their grandchildren had it better.... Because they worked hard.

This is our heritage. We arent lazy. At the most, some are out of practice....

Mr. Beck - I think you need to get out of the North - out of states that are owned entirely by Unions - visit a Right to Work state - heck, Beck, visit the South. We are strong stock down here and we know how to work.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Chase this rabbit....

Ok - we are going to go Biblical for a minute - I Corinthian 13 - the love chapter.... You have probably heard it even if you have never picked up the Bible - but if you have been to a wedding in a church, this part was probably read...

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8Love never fails.

Been reading this and having it preached the past few Sundays and let me tell you, its working on me. When I am impatient, I am not loving my kids, my spouse, the person in the car next to me, enough. When I am unkind, I am not loving enough.... This hits hard and it hits close to home.

So this past Sunday was about hope. Hope always - ALWAYS - goes with Love. When you love someone, you hope the best for them. Its why a mother of a death-row inmate thinks (hopes) her child is innocent. She loves them - she wants the best for them - she has hope for them.

And of course, I pondered this all day and into the next..... And then I started comparing it with the Hope message of the recent election - the hope message that so many wanted to believe. Which leaves me to trust.... Love always trusts...

But this past election had no hope and no trust. This administration doesnt give hope. It doesnt want the best for those it governs. It believes you cant do anything. You cant find a job without the government giving you one. You cant find a home without the government making the payments for you or having the bank reduce your payment. It doenst think you can take care of yourself and so it does everything short of just sending you a check each month....oh, does that too....

It does all these things by making you envy what it tells you "should" have. It does it by getting you to covet what someone else has or does or is.

Please people, understand that this Government does not love you - It does not give hope - It does not trust. It works against these ideas by doing everything that LOVE IS NOT.

Read 1 Corinthians 13 again.... Now, do you really see this Government as being able to give you hope or does seeing this lie from the Government make your skin crawl a little bit?

Pray - Praise - Prepare

Friday, April 23, 2010

Just a little business....

First - GOOD JOB ARIZONA.... In case you dont know, Arizona passed and the Governor signed, the most aggressive anti-illegal immigration law in the country. And that is just fine for them.... In fact, Massachusetts has universal health-care and that is just fine for them.... This is a Country made up of individual States. And they seem to be realizing the power they have let ebb away from them since a bloody and tragic war. Problem is, once a right is not used, it atrophies until it a big ole pain getting it back.... But states are starting to take it back - to try to enact laws that have the PURPOSE of being challenged in an effort to have the Supreme Court decide in their favor.

More power to them.

And not all states have to take up the same battle. Some states have taken the 2nd Amendment head on. Some have taken the right to bear arms and ignore Federal law when those guns dont cross state lines. Some are planning on taking Federal mandates head on. Some have an interest in stopping illegal immigration.

Each states' needs are different and therefore, there seem to be many challenges, of all different types, starting to get talked about and hopefully starting to wind their way to the Ultimate Deciders in this Country.... God bless them and may God guide those on that Court....

Sorry - the post just got away from me.... I intended to just give some KUDOS out and then to also say that I am not going to post on the weekends. Family time - and even though that may not mean that I dont write - I will be able to make sure I have 2 extra days to ensure that there are posts for the entire week. And if posts start to back up, then I *may* on occasion post on Saturday just as a bonus. But dont go expecting it - you are not entitled to a blog post ;) You dont have a right to a blog post.... Sorry, got carried away with myself - sometimes I just crack myself up.

So, Happy Friday. We are packing, cleaning and praying for our house to pass final inspection on Tuesday.... Guess yall will know Wednesday, heck, I will post on Tuesday if it passed....since yall have been following along for years now ;)

And just FYI - packing food is a big ole pain - that stuff if heavy - HEAVY - and I didnt realize I had so much..... So move to where you want to live for the rest of your life and then start your food storage. That is my advice and I am sticking to it....

Pray - Praise - Prepare

This post inspired by The Hubs....

We were chatting the other day - actually, it is really comforting and comfortable to be on the same page as the one you walk though life with (yeah, I know its a preposition). Even if that page is one that you dont really show other people because it would generally horrify them......You know the page - the Apocalyptic page - the one at the back of the book that most people pretend isnt there.... Anyway, enough with the metaphors....

We were talking and I just asked, "Where do you see things really ending up...." And although his answer wasnt Patriots bleak, it wasnt sunshine and roses either. It isnt going to pretty, but he was proud of where I had positioned the family in regards to my "jobs" and I was proud where he has fulfilled his roles....

The topic came around to how funny it was that the same people who argue Darwin and Evolution also are the EXACT ones that argue that it is my job to give everything I own to someone else to "save" them.... Social Justice (and not in a good, Biblical way)..... And thats when The Hubs said, you need to blog that....

Oh the irony.....

Oh the two-faced-ness....

Oh how stupid you look when you argue points you havent thought completely through....

Evolution would leave man, animals, plants to fend for themselves.... It means that things are in a continued state of change and funny how those that say we must "SAVE THE PLANET" want to maintain the status quo of said Earth....

There wouldnt be little bridges to get 6 frogs across..... Or a complete stand still because of 1 salamander.... There wouldnt be "Social Justice" for those that make the wrong choices, squander chances or just refuse a better life.

Seriously Left - it is becoming increasingly clear why you WONT have this debate - why you just yell louder and louder that we are racists - why you seem to NEED to create drama, urgency to pass anything - you NEED people to NOT THINK....

Because when people think....they realize that You, the Left, obviously arent..... thinking, that is....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Still thinking about food storage....

There was a good comment under the 3 Pronged Attack post soooo long ago, but its not there now...

I have no idea where it went, but I accidentally deleted Mr. Mayberry because I couldnt tell which trashcan went with the sex spam and mistakenly deleted his - Sorry Mayberry ;)

Anyway, the comment referenced the fact that they ate food storage one summer for 2 months and they ate the pre-packaged stuff first and it surprised him.... Been thinking about that alot.....

I think I would be the exact same way. In times of stress, I would do what was easy - EASY - so yes, I would exhaust the ready-mades, the heat and eats, the just add milk/butter before I cracked open a bucket of wheatberries.

No, the easy isnt the best for you and no, its not the lowest form of calorie intake. But it can be quite cheap when used with coupons and it can last quite a good while due to the artificial stuff :)

And yes, this is just another shameless plug to clip those coupons. There isnt a faster, cheaper way to build a food supply than with coupons. Again, its not the most nutritious food, but if the world ends tomorrow, are you going to argue with me about a few calories here and there? No, you will be sorry you didnt finish off that jar of Nutella. And if you have no idea what Nutella is, then you have missed out on one of the greatest things ever made in Europe and exported to these United States.... Google it.... Or look at one of my old posts ;)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Do you think Obama refunds campain funds?

So, if Goldman Sachs was so EVIL that now the SEC needs to punish them with a civil suit, then they are surely EVIL enough to be gone after criminally.....

But that might cause a problem - why? Because so many in the Obama administration have Goldman Sachs on their resumes....

So here is the question - If GS is so AWFUL - how is it its former employees are now so QUALIFIED to run this Country?

And if GS is deserving of a civil suit, then by God, Fannie and Freddie need to be included in the SEC suit and certainly in CRIMINAL CHARGES.....

My bet is that Goldman is being thrown on the alter so that the BO Administration can take a tighter control on yet, another industry.

Hey, here is an idea. If you want to clean up an industry, then send the guilty to JAIL.... Make no special allowances for ANYONE - hear that BO Admin? Do something WRONG/ILLEGAL/UNETHICAL, you pay the price.... Let companies that fail to do their duty fail, shutter their doors, face the angry mobs....

But what you DONT DO is give the angry mob's money to the company to keep them open.... Or as we are seeing, those angry folks will most definitely VOTE you out at the next opportunity!

All I know, is that after giving THE MOST MONEY FROM WALL STREET, I would expect more from my bought and paid for politician.... I wonder if Goldman Sachs can get its money back from Obama?

And NO - this isnt about a failure of capitalism. We havent had TRUE capitalism for a long while - The FED isnt capitalism.... Bailouts are not capitalism.... Taxing banks in order to create a slush fund to avoid failure is not capitalism and honestly, this FIAT money system we have going on world wide is not capitalism.

How about before we give up on capitalism, we actually give it a try? How about if you make it, you keep it and you get to decide who it goes to - and how about if you dont make it, you fail, you pick yourself up, set an example for your kids and keep trying.

How about we just give it a try for maybe 1 year - 18 months tops and I bet we dont even recognize this Country at the end of it.... And I bet that is a good thing....

Monday, April 19, 2010

Oklahoma Militia.....

I dont know if you have heard, but there is talk in Oklahoma about a STATE militia.... Not just a bunch of peeps who call themselves a militia and run around in the back 40 in camo with guns (not that there is anything wrong with just sayin')..... A STATE LEGISLATED Oklahoma Militia.

Now - I have friends, acquaintances, peeps on the street, who think this idea is insane. And honestly, I had an initial adverse reaction. And like I like to do, I tested WHY I thought it was a bad idea... And mostly, it came down to the connotation of a militia. Kind of like the Branch Davidians ruined the word "Compound", some "interesting" people have ruined the word "militia" for me.

But when I start to really think about it, I say its a good thing. Here are my reasons:

1 - I know we have the "National Guard" - and a Militia might be kind of the same thing, but this would be entirely OURS - OUR STATE GUARD - OUR PEOPLE - OUR DEFENSE - OUR PROTECTION. If the US Government doesnt like it, isnt supportive, I have to wonder why? Would their motives towards our State be more in their interest and not ours? If so, then all the more reason for an Oklahoma Militia.

2 - I cant think of anything better than having TRAINED citizens knowing how to use the weapons they already own. Seriously - wouldnt you feel better knowing your neighbor knows how to use that AR-15 instead of just showing it off at the neighborhood bar-b-que?

3 - Oklahomans would have some skin in the game. Oklahomans would have to decide if they are going to actively participate in what goes on in their state. It is a line in the sand. Its a wake up call. Its a splash of cold water to wake up so much of those that are still asleep.

4 - Finally, this is the core - THE CORE - of our 2nd Amendment right. If I waver on this one, then I waver on all of them.

It boils down for me that FREEDOM IS DANGEROUS. It is dangerous for those that want to take it - Its dangerous for those that want to keep it - Its dangerous to live in it.

Thomas Jefferson said as much: "I prefer Dangerous Freedom Over Peaceful Slavery"

Freedom means that I may be injured by an idiot next door. Freedom means that I may crash and burn and have no back up. Freedom means that I may be asked to take care of a neighbor out of charity because they are old. Freedom means that I may have to give more than I am comfortable giving - food, money, blood, time - because I want my kids to have the same shot at life that I enjoy or would like to enjoy.

Freedom ultimately is trust.

So, yeah, I support an Oklahoma Militia. Not because I think we may need it for defense, but because we need it to remind us exactly what we are SUPPOSED to be.

So, if it still sounds like a bad idea to you, if you feel the Government should take care of you - Then, Mr. Samuel Adams said it best...

"If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

Yeah, I am SOOOOO Sorry....

Its been forever - FOREVER and although it may sound empty, I have thought about you every single day.... Seriously.... EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Mostly filled with guilt, but also writing in my head.

My absence has not been apathy - far from it. My heart has been heavy with concern who are not farther down a path of protection. My heart has been filled with thoughts of dear people I have "met" through this endeavor. My life has been packed - PACKED - with house and home and family.

The house is almost finished. We have final plumbing and HVAC inspection tomorrow morning and hope to get our Certificate of Occupancy this week or early next week after The Hubs has had a weekend to work straight. And on a side note - this house is truly HIS house. Granted I got to pick out all the fun stuff for the most part, but it was put together by him. He over saw the construction - he built what he could (and it was plenty) and I have no doubts that if time permitted he could have built this entire house with his own two hands. He built the well house and plumbed the well and our house has water because of him.... But I will fully test that theory on outbuildings on the property and maybe even a guest house someday ;)

When not occupied with house stuff, family has occupied our time. Trying to make sure we spend time together - making sure everyone is where they need to be at the right time with the right items....and we have been busy planning for next school year. We are bringing 2 out of 3 of the munchkins home next year. Yup - we will be homeschoolers...... Our oldest will stay at the school that has been school since kindergarten. This kid is one of those kids that is golden where every they are.... Public - Private - Home.... We have been pleased with the private, Christian education our children have received. We would not hesitate to send them back if we thought that best or led to do so.... However, honestly, we can do better. Yup.....

How could we not - our attention is on 2 little people and not 60 - we dont have to keep stragglers engaged, just 2..... We can follow tangents, chase rabbits - do what we want with things that interest our kids. And, no matter what wonderful things teachers say about why they chose their profession, no one loves these kids or has as much of a vested interest in their education as their father and I. NO ONE. And we are excited! EXCITED!!!!

So, all that to say, I have missed you - I have been writing and have things scheduled and I hope that you can forgive another extended leave ;) And just FYI - just because I havent been typing, doesnt mean that I havent been lurking on yalls sites..... I have and sometime I even commented.

Miss you and lets get back to it!